Ray wrote:
This week lists Los Incognitos, John Pentreath, Pretty Noise and Concussion Girl.
This post is not intended as an announcement but rather for someone to let know whast this outfits are like. You cant say good or bad because good for you could be bad for me. But if anyone knows what they do let me know here because it is a many journey for me to get there and if I know what's waiting on the other side and it sounds like it will blow my hair back then I will get there. And if you dont think you want to post it here, wont you send me a PM please?
In general the standard at these evenings that Andy hosts is pretty good. I can't say I know all the acts that perform there - I'm the sort of guy whose idea of a wild night is 20 minutes driving the wife mad with pentatonic scales followed by take out supper, an Inspector Morse re-run and a little medicinal whisky. So I don't get out much, don't have my finger on the pulse any more.
However, as I said, the standard is usually good, and ALL acts are required to play original works - no covers! Mostly acoustic guitar, but occasionally you will get a bit of bass or even some percussion.
It's not an expensive night out, and the grub is better than at TJs. Though if you have to come from the Far East then you might want a bit more than that. I can't say "good","very good","sucks majorly" or anything like that because none of the names above ring a bell.
I'll almost certainly be there.