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Hi guys & guyesses

I tried to introduce myself over the weekend, which, for some reason didn't work as I expected. SO Here I am again.

I am a 50something guy from the Northwest of Joburg who loves music and plays a bit. If I had one hundredth as much talent as I have love for music I would be a guitar god, but I'll just have to carry on making do with steady persistence and tolerant friends.

I have been setting a up a little group - bass and two guitars so far and we're looking for a singer and drummer. We play for the fun of it and the friendship. No ambition other than to have fun.

I have only really been playing consistently for roughly two years now and learn slowly. Focussing mostly on blues stuff because the form is easy and offers so much variety. Our group is learning a few covers.

I have an Ibanez AS83 (ES335 copy), a Cort KX-1Q, a Takamine acoustic and a Brazilian Di Giorgio classical guitar. Digitech RP200 and Roland Cube 15X.

That's it for now. Hope to make some good friends in music.
    Welcome Stoneblue, you are sure gonna have lotsa fun here... ?
      Howzit Stoneblue - the band thing is whole lot of fun eh? 8)
        Welcome to the forum!
          Howzit and welcome to the forum........ ? ?. Quite a few of us "more experienced in life matters" here on the forum.... ?.....so welcome right in and enjoy the ride.....
            Well, whadja think of that? Oke comes to a guitar forum looking for a drummer.

            Welcome Stoneblue. I'm also new to this thing and also going to start rumblings to get a group of sorts going pretty soon I think. all the other kids are having more fun than me.
              Welcome stoneblue IMO blues and bluesmen improve with age 8)
                Welcome Stoneblue, you've come to the right place!
                  Welcome Stone ?

                  Did I meet you at the Engen Garage on the weekend?
                    Welcome .Enjoy the Ride!
                      Welcome to the forum, have fun!
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