I havelooked for info on these but cannot find anthing...
1) Karma - what is that about?
2) Referals - how do you refer?
3) What is +1 at the start of a message about?
5) The applaud thingy?
6) How do the grades work (newbie....hero member) When do you move from one to the next?
Many thanks
you get karma when someone applauds you... ie likes what you've said or something.
+1 means that he agrees and likes what you said.
rank is post quantity dependant....
no clue about the rest ?
1) Karma - You get karma when you get applauded. People applaude you when they really like your post. (Mostly for some very usefull info etc...)
2) Referals - There was a drive a while ago to get the forum some publicity and used the members to promote it using referal links.
3) +1 - That means that you like the thread or the post and that you agree with it. (Not really applause worthy, but worthy none the less). -1 is the opposite.
5) Applaus - See above
6) Rankings - You get rankings according to your post count (number of posts). Not exactly sure of the bands but it's something like 0-99 newbie, 100-1000 senior member, 1000+ hero member.
PS - you missed number 4... ?
Lethe and CDee,
Many thanks "4" your help.