Okay so I've made the decision to sell my Variax and get a Strat.
I don't know why it's taken me this long to decide that, although my gaze was probably swayed a little by the gorgeous flame top Les Paul that I recently recorded an album with :-[
But no matter... no more ?
I don't have a lot of money (maybe R6 500 at a push) so I was looking at a nice 2nd hand MIM or MIJ.
However, in my searches I came across a few real gems in the Squier range, particularly the Classic Vibe 60.
Fantastic guitar! I would probably swop the electronics, nut and bridge out at some stage but, for the price, it really is great.
Also, there's the G&L tribute line of Strats. My only concern with these ones is the fact that they only come in basswood and ash. I've had some experience with ash strats and they don't really "speak to me" if you know what I mean. Obviously alder is the main choice for Strats and I'm just a little concerned that the basswood will lose some of the Strat charm.
I'm sure it sounds fine for what it is, I'm just not so sure about it sounding like a Strat.
I do realize that every Strat is completely different to the next so I will have to drive around Cape Town and try out as many as I can, but I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on the matter.
Which of the 4 options should I look at (bearing in mind that the GAS has been building for quite a while now and needs some form of release ? )?
Thanks in advance ?
but its fugly .....
Pffft shtt!! I gas for that tremendously! I think it looks AWESOME.
Don't know if it's still available, but those are great guitars and very collectable
Strat is gone ☹
DONT waste time on a squire I would say, you get what you pay for, and both squires and fenders are very differaent in my view. with R6500 you could get a decent mim or mij and upgrade as you go.
If you checking squire out, yu should also have a look at the vintage modified series. WOW. I would get one of those over a MIM.
MIKA the better one wrote:
DONT waste time on a squire I would say, you get what you pay for, and both squires and fenders are very differaent in my view. with R6500 you could get a decent mim or mij and upgrade as you go.
I can partially disagree with you. An OLD Squier, MIJ is a very nice instrument. All I need to do to mine is give it jumbo frets and it will be great.
But a good MIM Fender is cool as well. Stratisfear picked up an MIA for cheap once too. just keep an eye open in the papers as well.
+1. The early '80s MIJ Squier Strats are up there. Pickups need upgrading, but wood quality was great and construction quality was better than the US Strats of the time.
Nappyburst (Antigua) is ugly
I thought it looked quite cool!
Thanks guys ?
So no thoughts or comments on the G&L?
They seem like very well built instruments with much better quality control compared to MIM or Squier. Also they have many more options in the electronics department.
With regards to Squier, I would have agreed with you about them being really entry level quality UNTIL I tested the Classic Vibe series.
I even did a shootout between a Classic Vibe 50's, a MIM and 2 MIA. All at Marshall in Cape Town, all through the same amp and cable.
I can tell you that the MIA did sound better, although I wouldn't dream of saying it was "4 x the price" better.
Also, I've played some MIA Strats that were just plain bad. The 2 that I tried were average (nothing really jumped out at me).
The MIM just felt "manufactured" and sterile.
The Squier was the biggest surprise of the bunch. It really did have that "classic vibe" as stated in the name. It just seemed to sit well with me. The whole body resonated evenly when playing.
Pickups weren't bad. I'm more of a 60's style Strat man than a 50's so I kinda missed that oomph but I can tell you that from a body, neck and playability point of view it was head and shoulders above the other 3.
I would LOVE an Eric Johnson Strat but I think in this kind of financial environment Mr. Jagger probably said it best when he said, "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find, you get what you need." 8)
G&L are great. The Tribute series are the Asian made versions, but still pretty high quality - prett much like the Sterling by Musicman guitars (have you looked at any of those, BTW? Not Strats, but good guitars and don't forget you can pick one up at 33% off this month as a GFSA member).
Nothing wrong with basswood if it's a well made guitar. It'll give the guitar more oomph in the low mids, and soften the highs a bit, making it warmer sounding overall, but that's not a problem if the pickups are made with that in mind. Ash is my favourite tonewood because it's more dynamic, generally brighter with a midrange scoop and a tight bass, but can be quite variable from piece to piece, so be sure to try a few examples.
The Classic Vibe series are getting some good reviews - if it speaks to you, go for it.
Darn... tried a Fender Classic Player 60's strat tonight and it was fantastic!
Downside - I REALLY don't like the faded sonic blue color of the one they had (even though this particular one was so faded it was almost white).
I guess I could learn to live with it, and maybe in 10 years time I'll be more than happy with it... but for now, it's a no ☹
Pity, because it plays and sounds so nice...
Anyone wanting to get rid of theirs? Preferably in Sunburst?
sonic blue is my fave, sorry to hear that you cant find the color you want. I have an issue with red guitars personally
Which would you prefer, a great sounding or a great looking guitar?
Sean wrote:
Which would you prefer, a great sounding or a great looking guitar?
Well that's just it. I'm in no real rush to buy my next guitar. The Variax I have is perfectly good in the mean time. The only thing making me want to rush is the GAS.
So I'll rather wait until I can find a guitar that sounds and feels great AND looks great ?
That being said, the sound of this particular one that I tried is seriously challenging my "it's gotta look cool" factor ?
you gotta get one you dig the look of, or you will regret it. You wouldnt date a girl who was friendly but looked like an ogre, there would be no physical attraction. Its like dating Rosie O Donnel, cuz she is quite fun and cool.
@ Mika - what makes you think Rosie O'Donnell would have you anyway? ?
I like pretty guitars, but cosmetics are the last thing I look for - that's just a bonus and if it's really an issue, I'll change it. Pretty is easy to find, good guitars that are inspirational to play are another matter completely
Ultimately it's up to the player to decide whether the looks are important enough to tip the scales either way.