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  • Off-Topic
  • without further ado...I proudly present...Friiiiiiiday Fuuuuuuun!

The Evolution of the electric guitar.

How heavy metal band names originate.

Life Instructions.

Definitive photographic evidence that guitar makes you more attractive.

The Metal Family Tree.

The latest Invention.

>☹..Doh...it seems that Photobucket has resized my images down to an unreadable quality..If you wanna see the full size ones ..mail me.
    The Metal Family Tree
    Out of head bangers journey! Kief movie!
      Lawrence wrote: >☹..Doh...it seems that Photobucket has resized my images down to an unreadable quality..If you wanna see the full size ones ..mail me.
      Why not just post the URL to the photobucket page that has these images?
        Right click on the image, click "copy image location" (Firefox), paste into the addressbar of a new window and hit return. There's something similar In M$ Internet Exploiter, but I don't know what it's called.
          or right click ,view image (firefox)...zooms it in...
            Avengend Se7enfold listed under nu-metal? Haibo!

            Funny pics tho ?
              Lawrence wrote: or right click ,view image (firefox)...zooms it in...
              Macbook, mouse over image, pinch fingers together and spread apart... zooms. Nice post!! Good for a laugh and some uncomfortable truths!
                ive now got an excellent point of reference for my bands name. Im thinking deadly things and badass miss-spellings.
                Sighanide and Snaykez
                  A rather distorted family tree
                    Jack Flash Jr wrote: Macbook
                    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss
                      the macbook trick works on a windows laptop aswell , works on mine
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