I picked up a "vintage" Hondo bass over the weekend, a P bass copy. With the removal of the scratchplate I was unpleasantly suprised by a plywood body, but for R 300, I really can't be too dissapointed.
Anyways, it's got a lovely maple neck. A bit worn, but fine other than in need of new tuners , a nut and new frets. Pickups will have to be replaced aswell .
Can I assume that there's a difference in guitar and bass guitar frets and if so, is there anybody out there who have this type of fretwire in their posession? I'd rather get it locally than have to wait 6 + weeks again for delivery.
I picked up a "vintage" Hondo bass over the weekend, a P bass copy. With the removal of the scratchplate I was unpleasantly suprised by a plywood body, but for R 300, I really can't be too dissapointed.
Anyways, it's got a lovely maple neck. A bit worn, but fine other than in need of new tuners , a nut and new frets. Pickups will have to be replaced aswell .
Can I assume that there's a difference in guitar and bass guitar frets and if so, is there anybody out there who have this type of fretwire in their posession? I'd rather get it locally than have to wait 6 + weeks again for delivery.