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Jack Flash Jr wrote: The duct tape is the result of a crack through to the wood in the body, there's also... jeez I shouldn't tell you guys this... a star carved just behind the bridge (both the result of a depressing year spent in Japan under the influence of Japanese whiskey). The guitar's lived with me in New York, Japan, Afghanistan and thank God South Africa (south peninsula at the mo), so it's got a lot of dings - lost some sustain but still sounds like the Stones in Hyde Park (slightly off key but Sweet)...
So you saying it has character ? Welcome.
    hello and welcome........ and way cool to have a well travelled guitar........... and personalised way way cool
      Welcome to the forum, have fun!
        Hi. You seem to have been around the place a bit. What do you do for a living
          Hey man welcome. Show us the pics!
            Hey and welcome. Let's see that "Road Worn" tele! ?
              Hi !!
              Now we all sit ... quietly ... in awe and with patience ... waiting for the marvellous and wonderous stories of your travels & guitar to emerge ...
              Welcome to the forum !!
                Jack Flash Jr wrote: The duct tape is the result of a crack through to the wood in the body, there's also... jeez I shouldn't tell you guys this... a star carved just behind the bridge (both the result of a depressing year spent in Japan under the influence of Japanese whiskey). The guitar's lived with me in New York, Japan, Afghanistan and thank God South Africa (south peninsula at the mo), so it's got a lot of dings - lost some sustain but still sounds like the Stones in Hyde Park (slightly off key but Sweet)...
                nothing like an experienced guitar, it shows it's been appreciated.
                  Here's the stellar tele as requested... for those interested, set up the action for slide by getting a new nut and sanding down the bottom E end only so the action goes medium to high EADGBE, there's a washer between the back button and the strap hole so it doesn't come flying off when I swing the guitar, I also used the neck as a whammy bar in my younger idiot days so now the truss rod is adjusted as far as it can go to try correct the bow (it's not too bad but intonation suffers), there's a blob of prestik holding up the one end of the neck pickup (under of course) and I replaced the scratch plate screws with flat top black ones because the old ones rusted and it um, looks better.
                  This should probably be in gear section right? Maybe I'll take some better looking pics some time and repost.
                  I used to work for UN and NGOs doing aid work hence the travel (sold tea in NY while my lass got her Masters at NYU though, best job up top that point!), now work for a company that marries corporates like Levi's to causes like HIV awareness for media campaigns.
                  Thanks for the WARM welcome everyone!
                  ps. the amp in the pic is a Marshall Valvestate 40, sucky clean channel but boost has a little valve that warms things up nicely...
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