If you have an iPod and want a real cheap way to record there is a stereo mic available for around R400 from http://www.igear.co.za/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=ITALKPRO called "iTalk".
It's fine for recording a rehearsal or putting down song ideas, but certainly nowhere near the quality of the Edirol or the Zoom etc.
It can record at 16bit, 44.1kHz - has a stereo mic and a 3.5mm jack input.
I use it for putting down song writing ideas when I'm away from my studio.
It's fine for recording a rehearsal or putting down song ideas, but certainly nowhere near the quality of the Edirol or the Zoom etc.
It can record at 16bit, 44.1kHz - has a stereo mic and a 3.5mm jack input.
I use it for putting down song writing ideas when I'm away from my studio.