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I just saw this and thought to share because I know there are a couple of fans here:


I love Dylan and, judging by the amount of crazy stories about him out there, this seems like the type of situation only he will get himself into. I gotta say there's something cool to me about the greatest of the greats (IMHO) being hassled by cops for looking like a "bergie", where almost all the newcomers (read: posers) seem to be in competition for the exact opposite.

    He does look a bit of a vagrant ?

    68 already, when will these guys retire and go on pension? ?
      I wonder how it felt.

      I wonder if the mystery tramp was selling alibis?

      I wonder if he was mistaken for Napoleon in rags?

      Did he feel like a complete unknown?

        Bob Dubery wrote: I wonder how it felt.

        I wonder if the mystery tramp was selling alibis?

        I wonder if he was mistaken for Napoleon in rags?

        Did he feel like a complete unknown?

        he was just dressed scruffily cos he was off to mick jaggers place for a beggars banquet.... or maybe on his way down to maggies farm for one more cup of coffee for the road........... and i do however wonder if someone in their prime tossed him a dime......... i mean would'nt you

        heheh i could add in a page of dylan lyrics here hehehehh

        peace and light
          Bob Dubery wrote: I wonder how it felt.

          I wonder if the mystery tramp was selling alibis?

          I wonder if he was mistaken for Napoleon in rags?

          Did he feel like a complete unknown?

          Excellent observation, sir. ?
            Squonk wrote: 68 already, when will these guys retire and go on pension? ?
            ?.... when the fun stops!!!..... ?
              Dylan still does something like 300 gigs a year ?
                Amazing stuff, maybe that's what keeps them going.

                Jon Lord from Deep Purple retired from the band, saying he was a bit too old to still be touring. But maybe the dynamics in a rock band are a bit more taxing.
                  Squonk wrote: Jon Lord from Deep Purple retired from the band, saying he was a bit too old to still be touring. But maybe the dynamics in a rock band are a bit more taxing.
                  If you've seen them live, Lord is a pretty energetic player - I think his B3 spent more time on it's rear pair of feet than it did on all fours the last time I saw them (with Steve Morse - :woohoo?. If you've ever carried a B3 (a four man job), you'll appreciate that takes a bit of strength.
                    Alan Ratcliffe wrote: Dylan still does something like 300 gigs a year ?
                    How does he find the time? He has a radio show as well. Apparently a very good one.

                    He's been touring a lot for at least the last 10 years. Maybe he needs the money. Because he was a risky signing the original contract with Columbia, under which he recorded most of his best selling albums, gave him low royalties. Then there was a divorce which set him back financially, and a run of records that didn't sell well. It'd explain why he did an underwear advert a few years ago.
                      Bob Dubery wrote: It'd explain why he did an underwear advert a few years ago.

                      An underwear ad!? Only Dylan...
                        Bob Dubery wrote: Maybe he needs the money.
                        Playing live is what he most likes doing. Not likely he needs the money. He may have been given low mechanical royalties, etc, but he would still get songwriter's royalties and he has a staggeringly large catalogue of songs - many of which have been recorded by thousands of different artists through the years.

                        BTW - my better half just showed me this mickey-take on the whole GPS thing:

                        Also, speaking Dylan Mickey-taking, have you heard Polka Dot Undies by Bowser & Blue? Truly excellent...

                          • [deleted]

                          Here's another funny Dylan song....

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