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SKB 6 space Rack case contains (from top to bottom) :
1. Rack Mount Tuner : Korg DTR-1000
2. Power Conditioner : Phonic PPC 9000E
3. Effects Processor : TC Electronic G-Major
4. Pre-amp: Mesa/Boogie Triaxis Programmable Tube Preamp
5. Power amp: Mesa/Boogie Simul-Class 2:Ninety Tube Power Amp
6. Guitar: Ibanez SZ2020FM-TKF

Info links for the above:
1. http://www.korg.com/gear/info.asp?a_prod_no=DTR1000&category_id=5
2. http://www.phonic.com/en/other/power-managers/ppc-9000e.html
3. http://www.tcelectronic.com/G-Major.asp
4. http://www.mesaboogie.com/Product_Info/Rackmount-Preamps/TriAxis/triaxis.html
5. http://www.mesaboogie.com/Product_Info/Stereo_Power/Simul_2_Ninety/simul_2_ninety.html
6. http://ibanez.wikia.com/wiki/SZ2020FM or http://www.ibanez.co.jp/products/eg_page.php?AREA_ID=4&PAGE_ID=618&COLOR=CL01&MODEL_NO=SZ4020FM (new neck thru model)
7. http://www.carvinworld.com/products/single.php?product=C412T

    That looks amazing! Welcome to the forum!
      Drool, that looks amazing!

      Welcome to the forum!
        xcpointx wrote:
        2. Power Conditioner : Phonic PPC 9000E
        Good move!! I'm not too familiar with the Phonic range, but if they get the job done like the Furman's do, then it's a BIG +1
          That rack is a dream setup for sure. Welcome to the forum.
            Indeed, I would prefer a Furman or anything better than a Phonic haha, but that's all I found locally?
            It's especially fun when it shows me that I'm playing a gig on 180-210 Volts.. >☹
            sometimes lower if there are huge light rigs around = great for tube tone. NOT
            (Event organisers please note, good power is soo important!)
              Awesome Rig...

              what guitar is that , btw ?

              The TriAxis rules
                xcpointx wrote: (Event organisers please note, good power is soo important!)
                Good luck with that.. Unless you're playing in a venue with a dedicated DB for sound you're going have that problem all over our beloved RS of A. BIG outdoor events are much better, but then again, you get at least 1 dedicated gennie for sound.

                I just love those venues where you have 3 wall warts on stage, you plug in and voila, there's a buzz. When you inspect the DB it's not marked well, or the plugs are running from the same phase or even better, the venue hasn't had it's electrical situation assessed in quite a while and you find that there are just electicutions waiting to happen.

                It seems that apart from having a technical understanding, a good ear and a personality us sound guys also have to be electricians >☹

                You should have been able to get the Furmans from ProSound in JHB. Not too sure, but it would be weird if they don't carry it.

                EDIT: BTW, I went to your website, just LOVE that picture of the cracked Hi-hat!!
                  Now that's a pro gig rig. Lots of power in only 6Us. Had any problems with the G-Major? I've heard things about glitches in the OS.

                  Furman, Phonic and Samson all have conditioners available locally last time I looked.
                    Man, that G-major is one AMAZING effects processor.. I'm jealous, been wanting to lay my hands on one of those for awhile now.. wicked cool set up! ?
                      Thanks so much guys, now I just need to learn to play a bit better :-[
                      Alan Ratcliffe wrote: Had any problems with the G-Major? I've heard things about glitches in the OS.
                      I was having major issues for awhile, but it seemed to be solved by fixing a loose ribbon cable and chip?
                      More here: http://forum.tcelectronic.com/viewtopic.php?pid=19854 (quite a saga, but a gem topic)
                      There is now a G Major 2 out : http://forum.tcelectronic.com/viewtopic.php?id=275&p=2
                      Both on Ebay for relatively good prices, and shipping is cheap cos they are light (microchips!)
                      andrewjbryson wrote: what guitar is that , btw ?
                      Guitar: Ibanez SZ2020FM-TKF
                      http://ibanez.wikia.com/wiki/SZ2020FM or http://www.ibanez.co.jp/products/eg_page.php?AREA_ID=4&PAGE_ID=618&COLOR=CL01&MODEL_NO=SZ4020FM
                      (the latter link is the newer neck thru model tho)
                      Music Connection has one of the setnecks exactly like mine in stock ?

                      I changed the pickups to the EMG81/85s. Missing the awesome stock SD passives somewhat, but the EMG benefits(super quiet) outweigh their tonal shortcomings(bit sterile)
                      For many shows I wasnt at all happy with the 81 in the bridge. After much research I found that a lot of guys recommended trying the 85 in bridge and 81 in neck. SOOOOO MUCH better!! More of a passive pickup feel..

                      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                      Soon as I got the Triaxis I felt I had found the tone I had always been looking for. Insane. Maybe cos its close to what I hear recorded, but whatever, it just 'feels' right even without much tweaking.

                      Luckily I had the 2:90 ready and waiting for awhile before the Triaxis (I used a Carvin Quad X preamp for years - also amazing, but different)
                      You get both models pretty cheap on Ebay, and they are light for shipping, just a bunch of microchips. ?

                      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                      I'm interested in upgrading the foot controller to the FCB1010.. Some are on gumtree for R1000, seems like a good buy?

                        xcpointx wrote: I'm interested in upgrading the foot controller to the .. Some are on gumtree for R1000, seems like a good buy?
                        Very good. Last I looked they were almost R3,000 retail.
                          4 days later
                          Jeez Brandon nice as always ?

                          how did you do that guitar rig pic with the hookup diagram and everything? I've been trying to figure out how to do that for a while!
                            thanks Dean.

                            The diagram was done with some creative photoshopping.. using the exising ones on that gear website (forget the name now??), the one one that shows you different rigs? I could send you my psd to hack around?
                              lol yeah I think it's gearslutz. I thought about doing it that way, I just thought you finally found a program that sorta does it for you ?
                                15 days later
                                hmmm yes i have heard this beast in the flesh and it KILLS! such a PHAT solid and remarkably quiet(when not playing of course) sound

                                nice one B?
                                  If I had 10% of that gear I would be smiling!

                                  Great to see you are also an Ibanez Fan! Stratisfear will hate you though ?

                                  Almost forgot! Welcome to the forum!!!
                                    I wouldn't say I'm an Ibanez 'fan', just that guitar was the best I could find that looked good and was built solidly. Their prestige range is really impressive!
                                      Not too familiar with all that awesome looking goodies, (maybe one day when I grow up...hahaha...)..... but I'm sure it sounds as good as it looks........welcome to the forum though..... ? ?
                                        pretty awesome gear you have there, the 2:90 is a monster in stereo.

                                        When are you gigging in cape town again?
                                        Would like to have a listen to the triaxis in action.