Bob Dubery wrote:
Bands are much more difficult affairs. There are often problems in bands because all that the band members have in common is the band - they are not really friends.
Heck band politics. I'd rather be an COPE member in an ANC meeting thanks...
Actually my original discussion has nothing to do with the band. The thing is that as a lead guitarist you are required to shine. Thats pretty much the point of a lead guitarist
aubs1 wrote:
the people who come to a gig are not there to check out your technical skills or abilities, so by doing easy stuff WELL, they THINK you are fantastic!!!! But by going the other way round, you sign your own "death warrant!!!". So to go on stage, do complicated stuff, and make mistakes, is like committing suicide...... very true.
On further analysing, I had a bad night because I forgot 20% of the songs. The other 80% was good. But because I focused on the negative it ruined it for me.
In fact, a mate of mine who is an awesome musician, who I have learned a lot from made the comment when I got off stage,"When did you get so good?" (of course that could be taken any which way, like "you were really kak before") I took that as a vote of confidence.
Very little of this has to do with politics or ego. Or even who is watching you. It is all about what you expect of yourself and what you can learn from when it goes wrong.
Why did I put such pressure on myself to begin with?
What Contirubuted to that? and
How can I get past it in the future?
so I had a bad night. I'm over it and the future is still as bright as a spotlight in a comedy club.