I got a good special in my inbox a few days back and figured it would be PERFECT for GFSA in this freezing winter. It's R285 for both, shipping excluded. I need an order of at least 10 to go ahead. Who's in?
This is what's being embroidered on both...
Order Update as at 13h44, 17 July:
People on this list who have been "striked out" with a line have paid, thank you very much! ?
1. Norio (XL)
2. TomCat (XL)
3. CDee (XL or XXL)
4. Bob Dub (XL)
5. Alan Ratcliffe (L)
6. Fritz Brand (3XL)
7. Riaan (XL)
8. Tailon. (XL)
9. Gearhead (L)
10. aubs1 (XL)
11. inflames (L)
12. Johnny (L or XL)
13. Riaan C (XXL)
14. baseline (XL)
14 out of 14 8)
No more orders will be accepted till the next run! Thank you!