Willem186 wrote:
Hey there, just wanted to rave about my favorite axeman, Buckethead, I have liked him ever since I first started playing guitar, but even now I am convinced that I will never be able to do some of the things he does on a guitar, never.
I love him because as a guitarist he has ventured into every style, metal, country, jazz, blues, avant garde, chicken pickin', and Robot (hahaha)... but really what attracts me most to his playing is his awkward phrasing and haunting playing, he sometimes makes the best note choices for simple progressions that we play all the time, just he plays it a bit differently, I love Vai, Satriani, Malmsteem, Johnson, Clapton, and Zappa, but Buckethead is truly unique in style and tone, a remarkably gifted guitarist as all the others I mentioned but I just like his quirkiness more as it appeals in away not unlike anything else.
If you have not listened to any of his other stuff, Jordan does not count, then try his page for some free stuff he recorded when he was 16! I mean listen to it! Count Scapula, John Merrick Lectures, 16!!!!
One last thing, he wrote the music for mortal combat, Cool, beyond cool....
Took a listen to this dude for the first time.........wow!!!.........yep, he is awesome. Shows, don't judge by the bucket on his head!!! ?