Since joining the forum have found some new motivation to play/practice and also to record more of what I do. Working on a piece that has the guitar split into 2 different sounds. An overdrive/fuzz and an acoustic. Acoustic strumming along, and the overdrive/fuzz picking root/fith the whole time. Together they sound really cool ? The acoustic piece is however being played on the electric with a straight through acoustic sound. The problem I have is making that acoustic sound, sound warm. The sound is a little clinical/sharp, obviously the pickups and the metal strings creating that. What should I be looking at to make the sound a little warmer and fuller ? Have applied a really nice EQ, and a multi-band compressor set to Acoustic-Guitar and it does lift the sound some.
Last night I found my crappy hand-held mike, pulled out the nylon acoustic and recorded that by putting the mike really, really close to the guitar. The actual guitar sound is cool but there is too much room/ambient noise when you crank the gain up which I have to do to get the sound to any usable level. Clearly have to find another way to record the nylon acoustic, which will be another mission for another day. So for now I have my electric/acoustic piece that I would like to work on to refine that seeing as I already have that.... any ideas I can try ?
Last night I found my crappy hand-held mike, pulled out the nylon acoustic and recorded that by putting the mike really, really close to the guitar. The actual guitar sound is cool but there is too much room/ambient noise when you crank the gain up which I have to do to get the sound to any usable level. Clearly have to find another way to record the nylon acoustic, which will be another mission for another day. So for now I have my electric/acoustic piece that I would like to work on to refine that seeing as I already have that.... any ideas I can try ?