I'm not a SA Idols follower, but recent news surely got my attention.
What do you guys think about the whole finals saga?
What do you guys think about the whole finals saga?
I am personally quite angry about this saga.....it's a lot of crap!!! I only watch from the top 5 to the finals....Manfred Klose wrote: Jason is a very good singer, the only idol that probably sang some decent rock songs.
Point taken ... ?aubs1 wrote: Hey Riaan, This is South Africa, we have seen stranger things happen!!
It's exposed Idols for what it is - or rather what it is NOT. Idols is a popularity contest and a money-making racket, not much to do with talent though an ability to sing in tune does help.bLuEs wrote: I'm not a SA Idols follower, but recent news surely got my attention.
What do you guys think about the whole finals saga?
I'd bet that a contract probably kicked in the moment she was declared a winner, and that binds the record company to give her certain opportunities. And now they can't get out of it. So they can give Jason what he would have got if he'd won in the first place and argue that in terms of reward and opportunities he's no worse off.Riaan C wrote:
But making them joint winners, and giving Jason the same prizes Sasha-Lee received? That's just silly. Turns out he won 200 000 votes more than her (1,3 million vs 1,1 million). That's not a small margin. He was a clear winner. If you decide to "do the right thing", you should, erm, "do the right thing". She didn't win. He did. Simple, I think ... ?
Sure. I'm not saying that Idols is unethical, but it does boil down to a popularity contest with votes cast by SMS. Which says to me that the primary benefactors are the cell phone companies. The artists probably end up with restrictive contracts that leave them little control over their career and effectively renders them glamorous hamsters on an unforgiving wheel. You can bet your bottom dollar that the record company involved is going to make sure it doesn't lose on the deal.aubs1 wrote: Incredible....these "system glitches"...... I always believe I've won the lotto, but these "glitches" are what's keep changing the numbers...... my numbers!!!! :'(
Numbers...numbers.....numbers.....amazing what can be done with numbers..... ? ?
The whole Idols thing is ......ehm......quite amusing......
Bob, if you don't run a racket, you can't make money!! ?
Which suggests that next time (if there is a next time) there should be a campaign highlighting what awaits the next idol. The slogan should be "Be kind to an idol - DON'T VOTE!"Bob Dubery wrote:
Sure. I'm not saying that Idols is unethical, but it does boil down to a popularity contest with votes cast by SMS. Which says to me that the primary benefactors are the cell phone companies. The artists probably end up with restrictive contracts that leave them little control over their career and effectively renders them glamorous hamsters on an unforgiving wheel. You can bet your bottom dollar that the record company involved is going to make sure it doesn't lose on the deal.
Well said..Neps wrote: do you realy want an Afrikaans boy standing on stage looking Randall in the eye and telling him 'you're a wan**r!!'
Actually not. It's reported that there have been similar problems with Idols shows in the Uk and elsewhere - but it has never effected the outcome. If it hadn't effected the outcome here we wouldn't be talking about it. I'd bet that support for each finalist varied with region, so problems in one region would effect one finalist more than the other.Neps wrote:
But as for the SA one, I get even more sick to watch it, even though a mate of mine made it to the final 6 I think. The judges are not worth the effort, cause none of them, except the guy from BMG has anything behind him. That women might have sold some records, but she's out of her depth.
As for the votes.. well.. Only in SA!!
Hahahaha....Mara...?? I don't think she sold ANY records!!!.....Her claim to fame is she sang kareoke on a boat that sank!!!!!...Bob Dubery wrote:
Does Mara Louw have more or less credentials than Paula Abdul?
I think you'll find she did rather more than thataubs1 wrote:Hahahaha....Mara...?? I don't think she sold ANY records!!!.....Her claim to fame is she sang kareoke on a boat that sank!!!!!...Bob Dubery wrote:
Does Mara Louw have more or less credentials than Paula Abdul?