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  • New additions to da family

Here's my latest additions

Oky, so for the next couple of weeks I'll be eating pap en water, but hey, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make ?

Epiphone Les Paul Goldtop

Ibanez Nylon

Bugera 333 Valve

My babies ?
    Awesome Stuff bluEs :applause:

    How does the Ibanez Nylon play? I am after one when the money is there, Cdee alerted me to a bargain last week, but the GAS money was not there, but my birthday is coming up!!!! :roflmao:
      Congratulations! Pap en water was nog nooit so lekker nie!
        Squonk wrote: How does the Ibanez Nylon play?
        Plays very well. Action is nice, and good sound when plugged in. Got two bumps which I'm not happy about, but I just love her..
        Explorerlover wrote: Post some soundclips of the Bugera
        I'm busy trying to get some stuff recorded. Fairly new to the whole "home recording" thing, but hopefully in the next week or so I'll have something ? Im just not entirely happy about the Amp distortion, so I use the Boss overdrive which sounds better.
        CDee wrote: Congratulations! Pap en water was nog nooit so lekker nie!
        Good time to start that diet I've been putting off ?

          congrats! a les pauls also on my list ?
            Awesome man, congrats! Worth living on pap and water for!
              Nice gold top dude. Got 2 Zakk Wylde LP's but have wanted a "standard" LP for a while aswell.

              Pap and water rocks! Worth it!
                Nice new guitars!
                The gold top is beautiful :applause:
                  Wow. When I scrolled down and saw your collection I wanted to b____ klap you. I so jealous.

                  Well, that justifies me going to GuitarWorld NOW.

                    Nice nice... the GOLD top always looks good in my books
                      Nice new addition to your collection, particularly the Epiphone GOLD TOP!
                      Wow, I've always wanted a Gibson LP Gold Top, but they never seem to be available when I'm ready to go shopping!! ☹
                      Still enjoying your VG? Or is she relegated, sure hope not!!!

                        Thanx guys, I've really grown very fond of the LP (being a Fender fan). Its just a smoother kinda feel compared to the strat. Makes it a bit difficult to choose which one to play :-\ The VG still holds a special place though ?
                        WantzChas wrote: What is the Bugera like?
                        They're quite cool man (see earlier post) Check them out at Music Connection, as far as I know they are the sole importers.

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