Now as some of you may or may not know..I am now the proud owner of Spykes Epiphone special...

After receiving the box and hastily cutting my way thru 127 layers of packing tape,styrofoam and fragile stickers..I finally had the geet I had been gassing for 1 and half years...Now as most of you have seen, Spyke attempted a refinish on this guitar with a Wylde bullseye design.Now hats of too Spykey but it was an ambitious project and not having access to the proper equipment and admittedly skiemping on prepwork, left the final project wanting abit..(no offence spyke! :-[ )
So after stripping(carefully!) I gave the body a quick sand to even out the surface abit...

A few coats of MS filler primer to even out the surface for a super smooth finish and about 7 hours of sanding and flating with 800 grit water paper...

After getting a perfect surface I sprayed a coat of medium silver as a base coat...

I then taped out my hotrod flame design with 3mm fine line tape..

And then spent about 4 hours airbrushing a skull stencil into the flame area..

I then sprayed a candy green over the silver base and skull stencil to give a ghost effect..

And then everything turned to shit.....After taping off and spraying the black base coat I went outside to have a smoke and when I returned the entire thing had bubbled...I cant say wether it was the temperature differential or an incorrect mix of thinners or maybe a reaction with the glue in the tape but everything was ruined...i really almost cried...24 hours of solid work gone....
Only thing I could do was repeat steps 1 thru 22 and start from the beginning..Sand everything off,primer sanding,primer, sanding...
I eventually settled on something a little easier and with less chance of another f#*& up...
Went for a black basecoat and airbrushed a single skull on the front of the body..

4 layers of clearcoat and voila!!

I still have to restring but I have to say that I am extremely happy with the results...The only problem I now have is as you can see by the last photo it is going to be very difficult keeping it clean...high gloss finishes always show of finger prints and handmarks ...especially on black!

After receiving the box and hastily cutting my way thru 127 layers of packing tape,styrofoam and fragile stickers..I finally had the geet I had been gassing for 1 and half years...Now as most of you have seen, Spyke attempted a refinish on this guitar with a Wylde bullseye design.Now hats of too Spykey but it was an ambitious project and not having access to the proper equipment and admittedly skiemping on prepwork, left the final project wanting abit..(no offence spyke! :-[ )
So after stripping(carefully!) I gave the body a quick sand to even out the surface abit...

A few coats of MS filler primer to even out the surface for a super smooth finish and about 7 hours of sanding and flating with 800 grit water paper...

After getting a perfect surface I sprayed a coat of medium silver as a base coat...

I then taped out my hotrod flame design with 3mm fine line tape..

And then spent about 4 hours airbrushing a skull stencil into the flame area..

I then sprayed a candy green over the silver base and skull stencil to give a ghost effect..

And then everything turned to shit.....After taping off and spraying the black base coat I went outside to have a smoke and when I returned the entire thing had bubbled...I cant say wether it was the temperature differential or an incorrect mix of thinners or maybe a reaction with the glue in the tape but everything was ruined...i really almost cried...24 hours of solid work gone....

Only thing I could do was repeat steps 1 thru 22 and start from the beginning..Sand everything off,primer sanding,primer, sanding...
I eventually settled on something a little easier and with less chance of another f#*& up...
Went for a black basecoat and airbrushed a single skull on the front of the body..

4 layers of clearcoat and voila!!

I still have to restring but I have to say that I am extremely happy with the results...The only problem I now have is as you can see by the last photo it is going to be very difficult keeping it clean...high gloss finishes always show of finger prints and handmarks ...especially on black!