hello Bob, you lucky devil, i am supposed to be off to see tony at a pvt show at friends in hartebeespoort today but my partner is ill damn ..... so still in air whether we will go..... but it's only at 4 so plenty time ....
but about the DI box if the roland amp he was playing through was the Roland AC 60 or 90 which is more than likely( steve newman uses ones so does greg georgiades) this is a dedicated acoustic amp...and so small it looks like a practise amp.... don't be mislead this is a very serious top of the line acoustic amp.........
basically a roland version of the rolls royce of acoustic amps the AER .... and the roland (and AER ) have DI box's built into the amp.... so the line out to PA from amp is actually a balanced line...and in the case of both AC 60 and 90 also are stereo DI outs since the amps are true stereo amps ...so it actually has 2 DI box's ...... beautiful features for an acoustic amp if you not seeking the option of running it on battery power..... ( the AER offers a battery powered model)
here is the roland website for the 60 (they make a 90 too) if you go to the photo section and pick rear view you can see the 2 balanaced cannon connectors in back of the amp( this is the stereo DI box to connect to PA)
peace and light