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  • Reviews
  • The new U2 album - No Line on the Horizon

Hey everyone

I got this album about a week ago. A lot of people have slagged it off, but I really like it - I think it's awesome!

What are your thoughts?
    I also bought it about a week ago. I like it, don't think it's their best ever but good nonetheless.
      It's the kind of album that grows on you slowly and really get into. I prefer that to albums that hook you straight away, you overplay it and then stop listening to.
        I listened and I died. I'm still one of those weird blokes who thinks that the 'POP' album was their best ever release. So the new one wasn't much to my liking. Will probably buy it see that I do own all the others, but it'll just be to have the full collection. But I might end up spending money on Tokyo Hotel which I find rather entertaining.. And *gasp* Kurt Darrens single 'kaptein span die seile' ???
          Haven't got it yet, but will soon. I even have all the live CDs and DVDs (four, I think). U2 completist, I'm afraid.

          My favourite U2 albums are Achtung Baby, Unforgettable Fire and All that you can't leave behind - in that order. Which of those is the new one closest to in style?
            @ Riaan C

            I lost interest in U2 after "The Unforgettable Fire", so I cant comment on the other two albums that you mention.
            No line on the Horizon - it's very mellow, they do rock on some songs but it's comfortable (the only word I can think of). It all sounds very familiar but with some catchy tunes and lyrics.
            Not much as a guitar album, The Edge still has his minimalist approach which works well. Bono can still deliver the goods though.
            There seems to be a lot of vocal harmonies which were absent from the first couple of albums. As I said earlier I haven't listened to them since "The Joshua Tree"

            I am enjoying it. ?
              O.K on Saturday morning.. Made a nice breakfast, put on the new U2, sat down and listened through the CD, twice.. I HATE IT!! So after my initial listening and now the 2nd time, I'm still not convinced it's good. I've heard it all before, from other bands, from them, from me trying to play some guitar..

              But it's U2, so there must be good.. somewhere..! Will give it a bash again soon.. Maybe I should listen to it at 10PM, with a drink in hand, watching the leaves fall from the trees..
                Neps wrote: O.K on Saturday morning.. Made a nice breakfast, put on the new U2, sat down and listened through the CD, twice.. I HATE IT!!
                So is there a hardly used 2ndhand copy of the album being offered here for 50% of the cover price, Neps??? ?
                Squonk wrote: @ Riaan C
                I lost interest in U2 after "The Unforgettable Fire", so I cant comment on the other two albums that you mention.
                Thanks for the feedback, Squonk.

                I've picked up from the posts that we appear to have similar tastes. If you ever find Achtung Baby in a bargain bin or Cash Crusaders, give it a chance. In 1989/90 (or thereabouts) it just blew my mind completely. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that at that time it was such a huge departure from the standard U2 sound, and it may be dated now for someone who listens to it for the first time so long after its release. But it was IMO an immensely innovative album, and extremely bold and brave for a band who ruled the world with a defined sound. To take such a leap was ballsy - I mean there was no way Bono could wave a flag to any of the tracks!! And One is worth the price of admission alone. Daniel Lanois and Brian Eno - mixed by Steve Lillywhite. In terms of direction and tecnical quality a BIG record in my view.

                I think this Wiki is quite good:
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