[VOTE] GuitarTalk Re-imagine, Revisited Challenge
RCVN Me too. me too. I could/should have gotten my idea tracked - I still want to - so there is some motivation.
I was just glad you and Syd saved me from having to slap together a last minute entry - I'd rather give this idea a little more polished.
I be super stoked at your and Syd's entries - comments to come ๏ธ
Great entries. Looking forward to voting for these,
@RCVN - Fistpump to the bass buddy for the real clean steel string playing. The tone was really to my liking, there was a lightness to it - kinda wide and stereo - worked for me!
To win against that track of Syd though...you wanted a bit more vocal/lead - your track was 2/3 done? I'll make you a deal, I'll finish mine if you do =D
@SydVicious - Nothing negative to say aside from this...The original track sucks =D. I throughly enjoyed your version, so much I thought, "well, if the cover is good, the original must be killer".
They should remix your track (particularly all the guitar parts) into the original. It's a much better track with the energy of the guitars as you did them - infinitely better.
The leads & hook guit/vox/synth was perfect (harmonies too) - I thought the take on Adele/Skyfall was maybe a touch off here and there - this one was spot on.
Aaaaannnnd the votes are in!
With two votes on Discord and four on the forum...
_Well done Sydvicous!!! - you get the ponderous prize of picking the perfect challenge.
Or something like that, hopefully spring is freeing frozen fingers!
Both great entries. Excellent playing gentlemen.
RCVN - More than a Riff: REALLY loved the mix and tone on this. What drums are those?
SydVicious (via Discord) - Blinding Lights: Perfecto!
I used MT Power Drums, with compression all around.
@RCVN They sounded great on my computer's speakers. Also the Chorus on the guitar.
studmissile thanks. No chorus though, it's doubled and panned far left and right. There might be delay if I remember correctly.
Organic chorus.
studmissile well yes