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@V8 Where is your entry??

I'm not mad, just disappointed.

  • V8 replied to this.

    RCVN Me too. me too. I could/should have gotten my idea tracked - I still want to - so there is some motivation.

    I was just glad you and Syd saved me from having to slap together a last minute entry - I'd rather give this idea a little more polished.

    I be super stoked at your and Syd's entries - comments to come ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ

    Great entries. Looking forward to voting for these,

    • V8 likes this.
    6 days later

    @RCVN - Fistpump to the bass buddy for the real clean steel string playing. The tone was really to my liking, there was a lightness to it - kinda wide and stereo - worked for me!

    To win against that track of Syd though...you wanted a bit more vocal/lead - your track was 2/3 done? I'll make you a deal, I'll finish mine if you do =D

    @SydVicious - Nothing negative to say aside from this...The original track sucks =D. I throughly enjoyed your version, so much I thought, "well, if the cover is good, the original must be killer".


    They should remix your track (particularly all the guitar parts) into the original. It's a much better track with the energy of the guitars as you did them - infinitely better.

    The leads & hook guit/vox/synth was perfect (harmonies too) - I thought the take on Adele/Skyfall was maybe a touch off here and there - this one was spot on.

    • RCVN replied to this.

      Aaaaannnnd the votes are in!

      With two votes on Discord and four on the forum...

      _Well done Sydvicous!!! - you get the ponderous prize of picking the perfect challenge. ๐Ÿ˜€

      Or something like that, hopefully spring is freeing frozen fingers!

        Well done to Syd! Better execution and quality.

        V8 You're right, I didn't do vocals due to being sick for a few weeks. Also, it missed some structure and was definitely a rushed job.

        But deal, I'll finish mine ๐Ÿ˜‰.

        • V8 likes this.
        • V8 replied to this.

          RCVN But deal, I'll finish mine ๐Ÿ˜‰.

          Sweeeeeet - you're on! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ

          Glad to hear you're feeling better - there's a few bugs flying around springtime, I'm doing my best to avoid them.

            Both great entries. Excellent playing gentlemen.

            RCVN - More than a Riff: REALLY loved the mix and tone on this. What drums are those?

            SydVicious (via Discord) - Blinding Lights: Perfecto!

            @RCVN They sounded great on my computer's speakers. Also the Chorus on the guitar. ๐Ÿ™‚

            • RCVN replied to this.

              studmissile ๐Ÿ˜‚ thanks. No chorus though, it's doubled and panned far left and right. There might be delay if I remember correctly.

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