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nick wrote:

mine has 6 pins on the back though.. hrm
Then I can only assume it is a DPDT (Double Pull Double Throw) switch, indicating that the power switch switches BOTH of the primary windings. So all you have to do is ask Communica if they have a DPDT rocket switch in that size with NEON indicator.

Either that or 2 of those 6 pins are the lamp/LED, are there any wires coming from the circuit board to the switch itself? Are all 6 pins being used on your switch?



    so the switch doesnt have 6 pins it has 5. strangely the black wire comes off the same place on the transformer as the brown wire but..

    has this black heatshrink piece which Im assuming is a resistor of sorts to maybe drop the current for the old incandescent bulb in the switch? all new switches are 4 pole so Im guessing I leave that one off?
      I'd agree with you on that one. You can't do any damage leaving it off anyway so give it a try.
        off to communica in a bit to source a switch then off to matts studio for the mike shootout ?
          so I get a switch from communica after writing all the details and even measuring it. get home solder off the wires solder them on the new switch aannnddd it doesnt fit. ☹ switch is too big for the cutout in the amp ☹ soldered the old one back in.
            I attacked the other switch with a stanley knife and if you cut off the ramps it fits fairly snugly but you got to remove all of them. soldered it up and the lights on ? all the time ☹

            now its a 4 pole rocker switch, it connects top to bottom on either side so the only thing I could've got wrong is the wires on the wrong sides? either way Im going to get another one and cut it neater, this one was just a test. for now I leave the power cable out the amp when its not in use ? does look nice having the power light back though.

            edit: and as you said matta, the neon in it doesnt affect the amp. no buzzing etc ?

              after spending entirely too much time on a stupid switch its working ? goes off when its off now ?
                Lekke dude! How does that thing sound? You like it?
                  Fritz Brand wrote: Lekke dude! How does that thing sound? You like it?
                  I enjoy it, I personally dont think it sounds like the valvestate marshalls, clean channel is nice and mid punchy, overdrive is strange, it gets dirtier with more gain but then when it hits 8, 8-9 is like 1-7 if that makes sense this huge jump. has nice reverb and I prefer the marshall way of two channels with volume and then an overall volume. so yeh Im happy ?

                  will probably just aquire a marshall footswitch for it, its got the original one but if I ever one day gig, no ways Im taking that thing on stage and breaking it.
                    Cool man, yea that footswitch doesn't look like it will be able to take much abuse. Glad you are happy ?
                      Looks like an awesome amp!
                      I can't quite figure out what is going on behind that window, but it seems as if the amp will fit through comfortably. Sweet. ?
                        heino wrote: Looks like an awesome amp!
                        I can't quite figure out what is going on behind that window, but it seems as if the amp will fit through comfortably. Sweet. ?
                        its a reflection of whats inside the room ?
                          4 months later
                          Sorry for hijacking this thread but I need some advice on a Marshall 5210 I have just been given by my nephew. Apparently he was given it by someone who no longer plays and it hasn't been touched for quite a while. Anyway it doesn't work or at least it isn't working correctly.
                          When he gave it me to take a look at there was no sound when a guitar was plugged in - you can hear a pop when it's switched on and some white-noise when all the volume controls are at maximum but nothing else. The footswitch also seems to activate the overdrive channel OK (LED comes on...).
                          I have had it apart and there is nothing obvious that has blown. I re-soldered a few of the pots that looked like they might have dry joints and put it back together. Now there is at least some sound but only when the master volume is at full (there is nothing and then a full turn there is suddenly sound and I think it is about the right level - i.e. loud). When I activated the overdrive channel there intermittent sound when turning the volume knob as well so I think some of the pots are dirty and probably need replacing.
                          Any ideas what to try next or other options?

                          Cheers, Andy
                            19 days later
                            List price in 1989 was $659.

                            Googling a bit more on this amp as its got this strange two channel mix, thought the price seemed quite a bit for that date ?
                              ADB wrote: Sorry for hijacking this thread but I need some advice on a Marshall 5210 I have just been given by my nephew. Apparently he was given it by someone who no longer plays and it hasn't been touched for quite a while. Anyway it doesn't work or at least it isn't working correctly.
                              When he gave it me to take a look at there was no sound when a guitar was plugged in - you can hear a pop when it's switched on and some white-noise when all the volume controls are at maximum but nothing else. The footswitch also seems to activate the overdrive channel OK (LED comes on...).
                              I have had it apart and there is nothing obvious that has blown. I re-soldered a few of the pots that looked like they might have dry joints and put it back together. Now there is at least some sound but only when the master volume is at full (there is nothing and then a full turn there is suddenly sound and I think it is about the right level - i.e. loud). When I activated the overdrive channel there intermittent sound when turning the volume knob as well so I think some of the pots are dirty and probably need replacing.
                              Any ideas what to try next or other options?

                              Cheers, Andy
                              Hey Andy,

                              There are fully schematics for the amp available which would probably make it easier for you to test if you knew what you were doing.

                              Available here
                                9 months later
                                Hi guys, sorry to bring back an old thread, but i just got one of these and i have the same "problem" with the gain knob. Can the pot be replaced with a linear one, or something to make gain more controllable?

                                Oh and something else, what can be used to clean up dirt and dust? Its been in storage for a while and its pretty dirty... Thanks!

                                  What's the problem with the gain - does it come up too quickly or to slowly?

                                  Audio tapers are usually 30% by the time they hit 50% of the rotation.
                                    Its like the OP said, "overdrive is strange, it gets dirtier with more gain but then when it hits 8, 8-9 is like 1-7 if that makes sense this huge jump"

                                    From 80-90% the increase is greater than from 0 to 80%...
                                      Then a linear pot would help most likely help. I'd even consider using some kinda switch to boost or decrease gain.
                                        Yip, mine also has all its gain at the end. Changing the type of pot there will change it. Let me know how it goes and I might change mine aswell 8)
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