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Hi everyone. My name is Peter and I like long walks on the beach dragging my cat on it's leash. I might have posted once or twice on this here site before. Maybe

Not back yet, but in the process of getting to UK. When I'm there I'll pester u all some more as I can't work for 6 months till the ring is on my finger. Ai... mail order husbands, what a life

Hey bud. Long time


Nice to see an old name back. Good luck with the move and mail order 😎

    evolucian Ai... mail order husbands, what a life

    You must be a hell of a cook. 😆 Also to tempt you out from under that sunny tree...

    Real Good to hear from ya, the forum is somewhat dead, peeps mostly on whatsapp groups and/or discord (PM me if you want more deets)

      how do i pm anyone, lol.... v8, u still have my number?

        If its all discord, well... evolucian#7573

        • V8 replied to this.
          5 days later

          evolucianDiscord invite -> https://discord.gg/vPtMX5m3

          Sorry man, been in the wars last few weeks - bruised ribs - ack.

          Can't find your number, though I know I pinged you back with a email ages ago (lockdown?)

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