Just in case anyone was hiding under a rock : https://www.guitarworld.com/news/electro-harmonix-russia-tube-exports-ban
As EHX owns and operates a factory in Russia which manufactures tube brands – including Tung-Sol, Electro-Harmonix, EH Gold, Genalex Gold Lion, Mullard, Svetlana and Sovtek – it says supplies to its tube customers will be halted for the foreseeable future. The move will likely lead to shortages across the guitar industry.
Russia isn't t he only supplier though : https://hackaday.com/2020/08/06/just-who-makes-tubes-these-days/
So, I'm going to say...no. Guitarists are horribly old skool, even though there are better designs, better materials - Les Pauls are still heavy, break headstocks if you look at them funny, don't have stainless steel frets and are made out of unsustainable materials (Remember the CITES thing a few years back? )
There'll be plans made, sadly prices will go up in short/medium term but will stabilize after a year or two when other factories come online. I recall hearing plans a few years ago to start producing tubes in the US, plus Korg has that nu-tube tech that might also get more interest now.
Bear in mind there's a general shortage of semi-conductors, so it's not like modeling/solid state amps are not facing their own 'supply chain' issues. But there's a ton of 2nd hand stuff available, so I think that balances out in the short/medium term.