I guess the exchange rate has some effect, but cannot take all the blame. Why have some previously affordable strings become very expensive after the initial covid lockdowns? Material shortages?
String prices
Bloody good question, not sure.
Just checked juststrings (heh) and my two stock strings are around $13/set (R208), add 16% for vat/levies (+/ R34). The best you'd get it for (ex-shipping) is R242ish? I'd say the prices I saw were around 40-50% more. I know the distributor prices have risen, so retail prices have adjusted. I've been reading that, in general, shipping/ handling costs has risen (up to) 400%.
JustStrings cheapest Intl option is $25 for smaller packages (not sure how many packs) and that'll likely be 6-12weeks in transit, uninsured But @Bluetone has mentioned he waits for free intl shipping promo's, which I didn't know about!
V8 Ah, V8, I was speaking of https://www.stringsandbeyond.com/ They sometimes have flash specials of free international shipping and then even with duties this side it works out to about R70 per pack, I think (I buy in 10s or 20s at a time).
Bluetone I was speaking of https://www.stringsandbeyond.com/
Aha, thanks! ️ I'm missingg more and more neurons. R70 is R10 cheaper than the cheapest strings available locally
I reckon regional group buys are looking tempting again. Damn, now I'm curious, maybe I can have a gander at some distributor pricelists tomorrow.
Its nuts! I still remember the day I went to go buy strings and the guy told me it is now R60 for a pack of ernie ball regular slinkies, then I thought this is not getting expensive! XD That was years ago already. Ive been thinking of getting those chinese brand strings from alie express, dunno how good they are. Some reviews seem to speak positively of some of the brands. Just dont want stuff thats gonna cut my fingers to shreds.
blood_bought R60 for a pack of ernie ball regular slinkies,
Dude.,.I still get teased for remembering when Elixir's were R175
I have played the ''Alice" strings, I think TerryD was bringing them in - not as bad as you'd think. But not as good as you'd hope. I guess most people wouldn't know the difference between them and the cheapest brand name strings. No idea on longevity, intonation or tuning stability, but they play ok. I reckon there is a higher chance of getting a dud string (rare)?
I didn't have a look at pricelists - but chatted to a few guys, seems shipping is a issue. Apparently stuff is still being air-freighted due to 'rona B$. You think $ will drop when they get back to the usual 4-6wk shipping routes that existed pre 'rona?
V8 I almost tried those alice strings out, bought this bulk deal thing on takealot, but then it turned out it was 9s and not 10s as it was advertised so I sent it back. A set of ernies last me a long time haha I dont often change my strings.
If the $ will drop, Ive no idea, everything just seem to go up and up. Seeing that shipping went up so much I dont have my hopes up of anything getting cheaper. Container space went up a ton.