I'm soo bummed.
I was busy recording and then Eskom decided to shut the power off for 4 hours.
Lost my inspiration and didn't enter.
I'll give you both a good listen after hours =D
I'm soo bummed.
I was busy recording and then Eskom decided to shut the power off for 4 hours.
Lost my inspiration and didn't enter.
I'll give you both a good listen after hours =D
...and me. My downfall was lyrics. Had a basic tune arranged but couldnt think of any words. Then i went on holiday and had nothing to record with.
V8 would love to hit up a collab, whenever youre ready
Well done Stud and Blue. Will give the tunes a listen with my headphones. Sounds great from what i can hear via pc
guidothepimmp You are next! Had like two line of lyrics and a one bass-ic groove, so you didn't miss out much.
Maybe the next topic- one wonders what it'll be?
Very cool, both tracks are great
Only two entries this time, but that doesn't make the vote easier.
We could all do a collab together for the next challenge, then there's only one entry, easy vote
I skipped that one again, I'm not made for singing, that's why I've choosen the bagpipe, no time to sing 'cause you're always blowing the bag
Well done @Bluetone - again!
@Bluetone - Enjoyed the lyrics and the way you layered the electric & acoustic rhythm, guitars, it was simple/subtle but very effective. Well deserved win, Norio or I will be in touch with voucher! Maybe start thinking of a topic too?
@studmissile - Cool track, liked that you went more into the vst/string world. Definite improvement over last time you went with strings? What vst/synths are you using? It's stilla bit GM sounding to my ears.
Putting together the playlist, I was reminded of one of Stud's tracks from a good few months ago - such a cool blend of rock & country - just killer!
A close-run thing! Thanks for the bass contribution, V8. Thinking up a topic is a cruel reward...
Congrats! Your R100 voucher is on its way. Keep on rocking it!
NorioDS Thanks Norio! I just started up a email to ask
Bluetone Thanks for the bass contribution, V8. Thinking up a topic is a cruel reward...
Anytime, was fun. Liked that the 2nd take had me noticing the layers of guitars that I hadn't during the first one.
And yeah, the dubious distinction of the the next topic We've a list (somewhere and likelymoree than one) of topic idea's we never tried. It's a usable last resort if ya stumped - though I always thought there was a reason we never tried any of those ideas...