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Hi Guys,

I apologize in advance for being that newbie that goes straight to the For Sale section.

I am not a musician, and I have certainly failed at playing this guitar. For the last few years it has only been gathering dust, and I feel I need to rather sell it as I have no intention of ever playing again.

Epiphone Les Paul, with Stagg case and 10w Yamaha amp.
The guitar still has the original strings on.
I think the color is called Honey Burst?

I would like R5000 for everything (Case, amp, guitar)

Please contact me on: zero 6 zero nine nine seven five one three zero if you are interested.

I am based on the east rand.

I can't seem to upload images - Maybe because I've disrespected the unspoken forum code of an ad as a first post.. I'll take it on the chin.. Tired of dealing with people trying to scam me on Gumtree, so please mention this forum as reference when contacting me.


Link to gumtree (for pics) if that's ok with the mods:

  • V8 replied to this.

    Welcome, but a sad farewell to your guitar- boo! 😉

    OsTerriveis I can't seem to upload images - Maybe because I've disrespected the unspoken forum code of an ad as a first post.. I'll take it on the chin..

    Ahh it could be two things:

    1 Chromes isn't playing nicely with the forum software a.t.m, Firefox seems top be better
    or (more likely)
    2 Your Images are > 1mb - can be any pixel size, but there is a file size limit of < 1mb on the forum.

    You might want to add in a photo of the headstock (front & back), from that peeps can get an idea of the model (Junior, Std, Special, etc...).

    Plenty scammers out there - seen guys on the facebook groups (SAMIS & Revolution) complaining too.

      2 Your Images are > 1mb - can be any pixel size, but there is a file size limit of < 1mb on the forum.

      Not so ol' chap! We support up to 20mb. But we did have an issue where certain file types were excluded. Hopefully that's fixed now.

      Aww thank you - You rock!
      I didn't change anything to the images, but there we go! They are now uploading! :-)
      I always screenshot my pics, and upload that copy. Normally a few kb's

      Thanks for the assistance and super nice welcome!

      What a pretty guitar.. nice one.

      Too bad you didnt get into. Goodluck with the sale

      guidothepimmp Thank you!

      I was really hoping to hang on to this until my kids maybe develop an interest. I've still got an old Ibanez electric and an amp, so we'll see.

      A legit buyer just came through, so it's sold. (Provisionally sold, says the pessimist in me..)

      Just tested everything out (with only the solo to November rain remaining in the muscles memory) and now the reality is setting in..

      If this sale does go through, I would like to thank everyone here for the awesome responses and help!
      I really appreciate it!

      OsTerriveis A legit buyer just came through, so it's sold. (Provisionally sold, says the pessimist in me..)

      That was a quick sale! Was the seller from here? GT?

      OsTerriveis I've still got an old Ibanez electric and an amp, so we'll see.

      Well, maybe stick some fresh strings on and see how it goes - have fun with it, often dudes just take it too serious? If you music a bit more, you might just infect the kids too... 👍

        NorioDS The buyer ended up being a whatsapp contact of mine.. How crazy, after going everywhere else first, and almost being lured into a flat in Kempton Park cental town..

        I am glad I found this forum though! Restored my faith in humanity!

        OsTerriveis I am glad I found this forum though! Restored my faith in humanity!

        That's great news! What use is a community if it's full of trolls, right?!

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