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It's the Pimpocaster, single tracked, recorded w/cell phone. Zoom B2 & Roland GR-S for effects. Three riffs stuck together and played not-so-well 😁 If using headphones, you might notice some muffled thumps during the first one - that's over zealous righthand finger damping - those graphtech saddle piezos are sensitive 🤯

Last couple of months have been hectic and I haven't had time to put together anything new. Instead I decided to stretch the theme slightly and enter the first guitar song I recorded back in 2017.

Unfortunately I didn't get anything ready this time. No bagpipe convenient tracks and my guitar skills are too far from being worth an EVH tribute 😃
But at least I can vote and I'm looking forward to listen through your creations!

RCVN Na, thanks for dragging me off my lazy bum to actually record something. I enjoyed it very much. Got some good whah practice!

Righty, voting thread is up! Check it out here

Meticus No bagpipe convenient tracks

...Ummm I really was hoping for Eruption. Literally 🤣 Sorry, I just couldn't resist!

V8 ...Ummm I really was hoping for Eruption. Literally 🤣 Sorry, I just couldn't resist!

Give me about ten years, then you get your Eruption bagpipe cover 😀 Just need a little practice time 🤣

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    Meticus Man, they cut the video short before it got to the good part! Amusing how the compressor was almost in unison with the pipes 😁

    C'mon collaborate with Joerg!

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