Looking good
Upgraded Forum
Polls are working again. Took some work in fixing the database tables but it should be all good now!
Looks like emojis are working again
Images are working again
Ok, so while the image uploads are working, the image loading isn't working. The images are hosted on Amazon AWS S3 and their SSL certificate is broken for some reason.
Hang in there, it should resolve itself. In the meanwhile, you can do this to see images:
- Right-click an image (or where you know there should be an image).
- Open it in a new tab.
- When you get a notice that it's not secure, click to ignore that (or whatever the option is).
That should make all forum images work for you for now. (And when Amazon fixes things on their side, images will still work fine for you
Just noticed something nice in this new version. When you select text to Quote for a reply, it's way more reliable now. I used to have to very carefully select the text and sometimes it wouldn't work unless I did it "just so".
Not true anymore. I can even double-click and triple-click words to select a word or paragraph and it still works.
Good stuff! They're definitely getting closer to a stable version.
- Edited
Cleaned up the tags on the left a bit.
A bunch of categories (or tags) went inside "General Guitar" and others. So if it seems like a category is missing, you can find it here:
Loving the new way search works...soooo much better!
And the updated emoji's too ️ - but then I would
Nice work N - thanks!
I've implemented a temporary fix for images until an official fix is ready.
So any images you upload will automatically work, now. Enjoy
Thanks, can you play as well as you can do magic with computers? If so, you deserve a recording contract, big car, cigar, girls, etc., just like Lynrd Skynrd said!