Jazzman105 how much did working in a DAW change the creative idea's you had?
It depends...only last year have I regularly started my own recording sessions with a mostly composed idea. But that's a change of approach in how I develop creative idea's - I did a little write-up on creativity that helped me understand how I developed a different approach (I'd say similar to yours?)
Historically - I think of a DAW as a musician (or instrument) more than a tool...but then I do like a lot of electronica and in that context a DAW is definitely a musical instrument instead of a recording tool (if that makes sense). E.g. I make a lot of interesting boo-boo's. Staying on target with a initial idea in this approach, is super tricky (ok, darn-near impossible ?)
Cool thread, gold in here for guys into (or getting into) recording, so little is written over approaching the recording/creative process - keep it coming!