ScottyDogg Iinnnnteresting!
No instagram/reddit shares? From the little I've read on promoting YT content, this does help boost views (apparently)
11% completion isn't terrible, you'd be surprised how low the ave completion viewing is. I heard 15% was ok for some content. My 2c - are in the Scallion/Dines/Chapman guitar hero category...which to me, means being a personality and engaging perhaps in a bit of silliness/entertainment.
The video/audio quality was fine - a little bit of editting/funny faces would help - but being a personality seems to be the thing. Chapman had a cool video on what it took to be successful in the Social media space and how to make a living from it - well worth a watch!
if you arn't paying for promotions (YT/Facebook) you apparently are doing it wrong. WHich kinda defeats the point of using those platforms? I dunno, I a bit jaded about social media.