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ScottyDogg That IS awesome! There was a opportunity to get the cow head banging with some stop motion animation...clearly I watch too much Sock Puppet Parody!

Maybe you'll get to use a Chapman next time ?

What content would I like to see? Well it's a busy content market out there - something unique could be to compare local build products vs imported things (Craigamps pedals vs imports, Jp le Roux amps v imports, etc...).

V8 yeah, that’s a good point - I’d love to feature RSA built stuff.. unfortunately I’m far from JP so shipping alone makes “loaned” units difficult even if that was an option.

I will be doing a video on the Le Roux Amp Works load box (the dead end) that I own - and maybe something about the attenuator I bought from him.

If I win the powerball one day I’ll be able to buy some of his amps lol

Oh wow - I see craigamps was started in PMB (not sure about now but would love to check his stuff out)

(And the Chapman ML3 Bea is a beast I would love to play)

  • V8 likes this.
  • V8 replied to this.

    ScottyDogg Oh wow - I see craigamps was started in PMB (not sure about now but would love to check his stuff out)

    From what I read, he's pretty good about loaner units - there were a few pedals being posted around Gregory's Garage for peeps to try.

    If you was in Cpt, I'd have introduced you to the Junkies - they don't care what you say about the gear ?

    There's a local channel "Riffs n Chugs' - though he's a bit of a boet for my taste.

    I'd love to see older guitars v newer guitars. Like a MIJ Aria Pro II vs MIJ Prestige Ibanez (or even vs Chapman Pro), Things like that could be cool.

    ScottyDogg (And the Chapman ML3 Bea is a beast I would love to play)

    Yebo yes, I'd also want to try the CAP-10, just because...and a Ghost Fret Pro - digging on that shape.

    V8 though he's a bit of a boet for my taste.

    Haha I've seen that for sure - doesn't seem super active these days

    I must pop him a message about loaner units for sure! Thanks man!

    • V8 likes this.
    • V8 replied to this.

      V8 haha as it should be (I just need to get a metalzone - traded off mine ages ago but it did used to be my main gigging distortion pedal ?)

      I popped Craigamps a mail cause the worst that could happen is they say no ?

      ScottyDogg So I've hit 105 views on the video - Youtube analytics are interesting - most of the views (54%) came from Facebook posts, 4.8% from Whatsapp shares (potential for 43 or so in the groups/people I directly shared to) and 3.2% came from my post here (of those, the average view time was 1:43 lol - that is the second highest average view time after Whatsapp share at 1:46)

      The video was only watched in its entirety on 11% of views - sorta shows that I should focus a bit more on quality of the video, something to keep viewers engaged. I assume though that as I have shared the song previously that there's a little less interest than there would've been otherwise

      ScottyDogg Iinnnnteresting!

      No instagram/reddit shares? From the little I've read on promoting YT content, this does help boost views (apparently)

      11% completion isn't terrible, you'd be surprised how low the ave completion viewing is. I heard 15% was ok for some content. My 2c - are in the Scallion/Dines/Chapman guitar hero category...which to me, means being a personality and engaging perhaps in a bit of silliness/entertainment.

      The video/audio quality was fine - a little bit of editting/funny faces would help - but being a personality seems to be the thing. Chapman had a cool video on what it took to be successful in the Social media space and how to make a living from it - well worth a watch!

      if you arn't paying for promotions (YT/Facebook) you apparently are doing it wrong. WHich kinda defeats the point of using those platforms? I dunno, I a bit jaded about social media.

      V8 if you arn't paying for promotions (YT/Facebook) you apparently are doing it wrong. WHich kinda defeats the point of using those platforms? I dunno, I a bit jaded about social media.

      Yeah man, it's a bit ridiculous. I think what helps most of the up and coming people is getting featured by the massive channels - so Sarah Longfield appearing in Rob Scallon vids, Jared Dines' series (the annual shred vids, shred wars etc.) and many others.

      So the 'personality' thing is something I've been thinking about (in addition to content) but I definitely wouldn't want to be a Stevie T type lol. My goal really is only a couple thousand subscribers - just enough to make some deals with local companies to demo gear - not really looking at being huge (I really think it's too late for that - at least with the stuff I want to do : what I want to do vs. what gets huge tends to be either completely different or has already been done) just wanna have some fun and not have to spend cash to play around with gear lol

      Any thoughts on subreddits that would be appropriate to share to? Posted on insta but I've never been big on social media so I'm crazy low on followers (Twitter too lol)

      4 days later

      ScottyDogg song 2 is up!

      Written in response to a challenge from Roomie to put together a composition around a simple melody he provided.

      Seeing as I started writing on Tuesday evening, I think it turned out alright. Ridiculous turnaround time and I never want to rush that much again haha

      a month later

      Hey everyone, so finally finished up on a vid I've been working on for a while:

      So I thought while changing power tubes in m amp it might be worthwhile to do a bit of a comparison of how they sound - original tubes were Sovtek 5881/6L6 tubes (I think the OG tubes from manufacture in 1997) and I put in Tung Sol 5881/6L6 tubes ?

      ScottyDogg Didn't have a super close listen (no headphones, UI'm lazy this am). First thought was the new tubes sound a hint more compressed? Then I thought the older tubes sound a touch louder (perhaps brighter?) - aside from baising - do tubes need to be run in?

      Can't say that your old tubes were dead from the comparison? Or am I missing the full-on vol cranked to 11, in the room experience of the 900?

      V8 yeah man so I think there’s definitely more compression and more saturation along with more low end.

      Ultimately better though, of course, the brighter audio will always be preferred and so people are tending to say they prefer the original tubes.

      Doesn’t really matter though cause the point was to show how much tubes can differ sonically. I maybe needed to explain myself a bit better in the vid

      I think there’s some run in time needed by tubes (get electrons flowing and shit) but nothing too serious. Judging by the spec sheet, the new tubes should be running a little hot but still in a safe region (but that’s probably why there’s more compression). I had the master volume at 4 (JP Le Roux recommended just turning up master volume til I hear the power tubes saturate rather than diming the master volume) on both so the tubes are being pushed equally as hard

      The old tubes weren’t dead, my amp tech just said visually he can see they’re on the way out so I should replace them.

      • V8 likes this.
      5 days later

      And my next video is up:

      Follow up to the previous power tube video. I'm particularly proud of the riffing I busted out for the Neural DSP Riff Challenge (and incorporated into this video)

      Alright: Who keeps disliking my videos? I had zero dislikes then suddenly had one after sharing here lol

        22 days later

        Cover time - you guys probably recognise this one:

        just goes to show what a million vocal takes to get as close as possible to the proper notes with a bit of melodyne to fix the rest lol

        15 days later

        And now, a song of my own, written quite some time ago that I performed originally with my band at the time (circa 2005/06). I’ve re-recorded it on my own for this upload. Still getting the hang of this singing thing haha

        Also, over 1000 views on my channel and 49 subs - getting somewhere slowly :slight_smile:

        • V8 likes this.
        21 days later

        New video, new cover 🙂

        likes would be greatly appreciated if you enjoy it

          2 years later

          Hey! So life has been all encompassing lately but thought I'd make a reappearance and post a couple links to the last few vids I'd released before falling off the wagon lol

          Blinding Lights - a rock/alternative(ish) cover with my wife:

          Megadeth's A Tout Le Monde (version with Christina Scabbia) - also with my wife

          And then a metal cover of "Everybody" (Backstreet Boys):

          21 days later

          Nice work, specially blinding lights - See you also upped your camera game with more angles. Thanks for posting these

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