Got some gear I need to sell.
Boss GT-8 with power supply and user manual ~ R 850.00
Multi-effects processor
Marshall MG100HDFX half stack ~ R5000.00
100W, 2 channel head and the MG412A 4x12” 120W angled cabinet
4x12" bass/mid-range custom cabinet ~ R2000.00
Loaded with Fane Sovereign 12-200 8ohm drivers
Ibanez GSR205 ~ R2000.00
5 string active bass plus soft bag
Behringer Tube Ultrafex ~ R 600.00
Universal sound enhancerDrawmer Dual Auto DL241 Compressor ~ R2500
Two channel auto compressorArt Pro MPA II Reference series ~ R2500.00
Limited edition 2-channel tube microphone preamplifier5,6 & 7 plus studio stand ~ R5000.00
Location: Pretoria
Shipping: No
Open to offers, message me for more detail.