Thanks to @guidothepimmp for this month's Challenge topic..."Christmas Mall Music"
The challenge quite simply is.. put together a tune in the line of what YOU would like to hear in a retail center whilst on holiday and perhaps while doing your last minute festivity shopping. You will get cred points if it is Holiday/Christmas related. Think Boney M repeats ad nauseum.. except your version.
And there's prizes! A big thank you to @guidothepimmp for offering up his Raru voucher won last month and to @warrenpridgeon for putting up his R100 Raru voucher he won with the cover challenge last month. So I reckon we combine the two for the single main prize of 2xR100 Raru vouchers. Before it becomes running jest, let's make this the last rollover - either blow it on strings 'n things or we can organize a donation to a charity?
? Entries Close: Sunday, 24th November, 23:59PM
?Rules: We'll have two groups this month, Originals and Covers. Covers are done at your own risk - that is, if it isn't a a song in the Public Domain, you might run into issues on uploading to Soundcloud.
Entries to be no longer than four (4) minutes in length. Any genre, any instruments and collaborations are encouraged.
⁉How To Enter: Record your entry, sign up or log in to SoundCloud, post it there. Then grab the SoundCloud link and reply here with the link pasted in your reply.
?Prizes: 2xR100 Raru vouchers, courtesy of @guidotheimmp and @warrenpridgeon. The fame and glory of winning a GuitarTalk Challenge. And the ever increasingly dubious distinction of selecting the next challenge topic. Not sure how one could ask for more!!!
Anyone can enter this competition. You just need a guitar and a phone. But any other recording equipment is fine too. Collaborations with fellow members or anyone you can recruit is encouraged!