Here's one that got me chuckling...t'is the season to start bands.
On Monday I got asked to play bass in a band - so I was keen, the peeps involved were talented & we get along. All good, it's described as 'hard rock' and they want to bring a little funky/jazzyness to the mix.
I'm excited - "I'll do my best", I reply and go off to listen to the demo tracks...
Umm. Err. My definition of 'hard rock' clearly needs refinement! ? What I heard was pretty much numetal/00's angst metal vibes. What I expected was...AC/DC with some Sabbath flavourings!
Thing is, for them it IS hard rock - I get it. If the first band you heard was Korn, they'd be a benchmark. For me it was AC/DC, that deinfied rock for me with Judas Priest being the metallier side of hard rock and Metallica being the Metal side of Metal. But I guess I was old back when the Black album was released and it was seen as a 'hard rock' album (Was it?) ?
Anyways if you are in Cpt and looking to join either a doom rock band or a hard rock (heh) band, I can put you in touch with some grand peeps. ?