Eeek, catching up on notifications - missed these the first time 'round!
klaasvakie . If I ever get down to cape town again @V8, I'll have to meet you at the gear junkie and you will have to show me some stuff.
You're welcome to visit anytime! Thanks for the comment - not sure what style I'd class my track as - rocking funk played by a ex-djentlepoop. ?.
guidothepimmp V8's grooves and style always impresses me. Wish i had that sense of creativity.
Thanks! I've been getting back into guitaring this year - over many. many challenges there seems to be a V8 style of guitaring crystalizing - only taken about 25+yrs to get something that sounds a little like me and not regurgitated meanderings - my first guitar teacher might have been proud if I'd only taken 2-3yrs to get there! ?