Reallly good turnout for this challenge and a few new faces too - most excellent! ?
I really liked how each entry is different, creative interpretation of the topic and that peeps got to develop new techniques and skills - "sample something" definitely got the grey matter working!
Dave's entry had to hosted on box, one of his samples triggered the content monitoring system, so please click through to - where it'll play.
Otherwise have a listen, comment and vote for your favourite "Hey I sampled something!" challenge ?
Daveo1977 - You want this party started, right
It was inspired by those radio DJ intros you sometimes hear. There's a bit of 90's nostalgia in there – C+C Music Factory, EMF, Beastie Boys & System Of A Down. Put together in Ableton.
guidothepimmp - Sampled Dawg
Struggled with the sample bits but basically stuck it in as a preamble to a song my old band from 10-13yrs back used to do.I am sure you can figure out the sample.. it is rather obvious. The band tune oddly I cannot remember the name of.. i changed out the rhythm guitars and bass to make them a bit more aggressive, and also to fill space. listening back to the recordings of our practices it sounded a bit empty now. funny how that happens. I wrote some words but as I cannot sing, so attempted to voice over rather than actually sing. my throat was killing me after 2 takes
V8 - The Duke (V8th Mix)
One from the archives (5yrs ago, originally for the GFSA 'Action' challenge). More than a little bit of old skool gaming nostalgia with every Duke Nukem sample I could find.
Although it's a previous entry :-0 I did make some changes for this one - the intro 45s is similar but mixed with far more delay tails and glitchy bits, middle bit never made the entered edit and the last 1m is pretty much the same, but a bit louder.
RCVN - Ice Ice Billy
My first attempt at using MIDI - More specifically, my Korg Nano Key.
Also had some fun with a drum app - Cant use my bongo for everything...
Vox was a debate but ended up using it, i really need to get a proper recording setup.
Iconic throwback songs in a bit of a mashup.
Klaasvakie - Metal Kombat
Trashed the first idea, this is the second.