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Hey all,

So I was given a midi keyboard and have started delving into some piano theory basics. Its been quite fun so far and have found a few interesting tools that help with the learning process.

The main problem I have is that I have no idea how to read sheet music, so going to lessons is the only real way to learn properly, or so I thought. I found a really cool app called ScanScore and it works kind of like guitar pro but with sheet music instead of tabs.

If any of you are interested I'm busy with a review and I'll post it in the https://community.guitartalk.co.za/t/reviews section.



8 months later

G-Man hey man. Glad you did your review. Have posted a response; wondering how things went/are going under the review...

Hey man. Progress has been slow but I have learned an awful lot about the piano. I find that my ear has improved alot and I can find the right notes a lot easier now when I am just messing around. It hasn't quite translated into my bass and guitar playing just yet but the app has definitely been helpful in decoding piano music and making it easier for me to understand. 🙂

G-Man So just wondering - can you start reading a bit of music then?

    Yeah I can 😃 , I still get a bit lost but the app is really helpful when I get stuck.

    G-Man schweeeeeeet. i may look into it then. i have a clavinova; it's a beautiful thing - may as well be a piano, except you don't have to tune it when you move it around, and you can plug headphones into it! 😁

    shot for the heads up chap

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