So I bought a Modern Player Jaguar a while ago, played it for a while and it got stashed etc, but the other day I listened to something, thought it sounded brilliant even though it seemed simple, picked up the Fender and figured out how to play it.
Needless to say, I have forgotten most of what I had learnt (which feels like eons ago), but enjoyed picking up the guitar again immensely, but I realised the Fender had a few issues, tried setting it up properly and failed - the last fret and headstock seemed to have bowed back unfortunately.
The guitar is now in for repairs etc, but I realised I would like to learn how to be able to do such things myself (as well as have a bit of a backup in case something happens and I get withdrawal symptoms).
I can't currently afford anything tbh, so was wondering if anyone in the Pretoria / Centurion area might have any parts etc they might be willing to give away or very close to, which I can possibly build a partscaster or so (both as backup and learning opportunity)?