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  • Garage Days 5 - Garage Days vs Predator

Yeti im not using that rubbish cab again. I will bring my orange cab and the JP.

You can prob put yours through the 6505 cab.. i think its 16ohm assuming its stock. Maybe check with Greg

  • Yeti replied to this.

    Much appreciated @Yeti and @guidothepimmp. It's nice to have a target date to keep the practice sessions focused! Hopefully this time I will be more prepared.

    • Yeti replied to this.

      Yeti hmmm. It might be 8.. the 6505 comes in both. My cabs are only 16ohm unfortunately otherwise you could have used one of them

        I cant remember what the tired behringer was. Push comes to shove you use your code speaker. I can bring an extra amp no problemo for Klaas

        • Yeti replied to this.

          We're making a bit of a change to the lineup: adding Summer of 69 and Give Me One Reason and bumping Highway to Hell to the next jam. I think we're going to freeze the list here but keep the suggestions coming, we'll add them for the future.

          New Songs
          Ain't no Rest for the Wicked - Cage the Elephant

          Plush - Stone Temple Pilot
Running Wild - Airbourne
          Slow Cheetah - RHCP
          Eyes of the Panther - Steel Panther
          Hells Bells - ACDC
          Holiday - Green Day
          Summer of 69 - Bryan Adams
          Give Me One Reason - Tracy Chapman

          Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen
Just Got Paid - ZZ Top/Joe Bonamassa
Down in a Hole (Unplugged) - Alice In Chains 

            Sounds Fun,

            I would like to join but the pickup on my acoustic is busted and I'm still in the market for a bass amp.. aand my uke aint amplified xD.

            If I get it all sorted I might just come and give a visit.

            Hey bud... if you dint get sorted... drop a note here of what kit you need and we will bring it along. Ie.. join anyways ?

            RCVN Ah man that's hysterical.
            I'm hoping to get chords and tabs up tomorrow or the next day...

            And yeah, come and join us. More the merrier.

            • RCVN replied to this.

              Morning all,
              I've got the lyric/chord sheets together. I've tried to make sure they're 'accurate' but haven't had masses of time so there many be a couple of problems. Please let me know if you find any.

              I've deliberately kept these as chord sheets for the singers/strummers and haven't included tabs. Broadly speaking I find that www.songsterr.com does a pretty good job for anyone who wants to play it properly. It has midi playback too, which is nice.
              I've also included @guidothepimmp's demo video for Running Wild. If anyone has other videos or learning tools for these songs, please drop them in the thread.

              There are a few songs that use Eb standard tuning, I'm going to suggest that we just stick to E standard. There are also a few that use a capo. Again, I'm going to suggest that we play without the capo (the chords I've included are relative to the capo position). The only exception is Slow Cheetah, which is played with a capo on the 6th fret and for that I reckon we should keep the capo... so bring one along if you have one.

              Just recording conversation from the chat. Looks like @Lu22 will be singing:
              Ain't no Rest for the Wicked
              Crazy Little Thing Called Love (possibly)
              Slow Cheetah
              Just Got Today

              On a related note, any chance that one of you can learn the lead part for Crazy Little Thing Called Love? I'm happy with the acoustic and either @NorioDS or @guidothepimmp will be on bass duty.

              I have a capo I can bring for someone to use too

                Yeti On a related note, any chance that one of you can learn the lead part for Crazy Little Thing Called Love?

                I'll give it a shot. Is someone doing the solo for Hells Bells? I have the rhythm part down, but not the solo yet.

                23 days later

                Hey guys, just a heads up. It looks like we have lost our drummer for Saturday and I have lost my voice. :/
                I'm hoping that I get it back before then but I'll be there either way... just may need a little more help with the singing.

                I have confirmed the garage with Greg thought... so not all bad news.