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  • Garage Days 5 - Garage Days vs Predator


I'm keen on popping in just to say high, if that's fine.

If he does come then he'll probably bring his entire kit.

I'll revert when I have an answer

Yeti A no go unfortunately

But he would like to join in the future.

  • Yeti replied to this.

    RCVN Cool, thanks for trying. Please send on the details for our next session to him too.

    Are you still going to pop your head in? Would be cool to meet you.

    • RCVN replied to this.

      Yeti I'll try. I'm going to be running to the store to test some amps and the I might pop through.

      Yeti Just a heads-up that I removed the address from this thread. To easy for us to get ambushed. (Has happened to photographers my wife knows. Time + place + expensive gear = opportunity.)

      • Yeti replied to this.

        I haven't had a chance to practice even one song. Will hopefully be able to fake it through the songs on bass but if anyone else knows these songs... that'll end up sounding better ?

        I can probably still get thru most of Crazy Lil Thing, though. I'll check that in the morning.

          NorioDS O.O fair enough

          I'm also less prepared than I'd prefer to be. My voice has improved but is still not where I'd like it to be. I think I'll try a couple of songs at least but probably won't sing in full voice.

          I've spent some time with the garage band drummers and I think that I have usable settings for each song. It's not the same as the real thing but better than nothing.

            Thanks for the jam everyone, it was good fun as always.

            How did people feel about the amount of songs today vs previous sessions?

            Yeti i thought it was ok... nice mix of tunes. The drum tracks were a good work around... but it does feel different with an actual drummer.

              I think we hit a sweet spot with the number of songs. Gotta make a concentrated effort to learn em all next time though.

                Thanks gents. My personal feeling was that there were a couple too many... but that may have just been me losing enthusiasm when my amp started smoking. ?

                I think for next time we should only add a couple of new ones and focus on songs we've done before, I think that'll help us all to get them down. Thoughts?

                @guidothepimmp completely agree. The drum tracks were useful... but nothing an actual drummer.

                  I like the idea of only having a couple new songs. Maybe that's what made it feel like too many songs — there were too many new ones?

                  Yeh. Agree that we stick to a few tried and trusted tunes. Because its a one every 6 weeks thing we never get a chance to tighten them up nicely. I find the take 2 and 3 is what sometimes gets a bit much... though i totally get the why... its so close to getting nailed that we always persist. But with a few tried and trusted... we dont have the urge to jump to the next tune just because there is a new tune. Methinks once we have them nailed.. lets introduce newer tunes. Thats my 2c

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