I finished the wiring last night.
Here are all the external components soldered up and ready to be installed.
And here is the final crows nest. I’m quite glad now that I did group all of the leads on the veroboard, the spaghetti would have been a nightmare.
I finished the work quite late but still decided to plug it in and see if it worked.
It didn’t. ?
The LED turned on but nothing came out the other side. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to trouble shoot so I packed up my took myself off to bed. I mean… what did I expect? It’s a complex circuit, there’s a lot that could have gone wrong.
I got into bed… turned off the light… closed my eyes… opened my eyes… and swore.
… no, for those with sharp eyes, it wasn’t that I’d forgotten to put the op-amps into the circuit because I did that just after the photo. It was actually the output jack, which I had wired wrong (I can never remember which pin is which).
Heated up the soldering iron… fixed the problem… and it worked ?
There is a monstrous amount of 50Hz hum, but that’s only to be expected in an open amplifier circuit like this. I’m really hoping that putting it into the box and earthing it properly will sort it out. If it doesn’t there are a few points of clean up I can do on the veroboard… but not much beyond that… holding thumbs.
I do have a few things that I need to address before I can start drilling holes in the box.
The leads to the button are too short, so I’ll need to replace them. In my ignorance I got the input and output jacks swapped around… not an issue unless I want to add a battery… which I do. I put a 10k resistor in series with the LED because I’m not a fan of super bright lights on a pedal… but this is a touch too dim so I need to change that resistor… and of course, I can’t panel mount the power plug with the wires attached so those will need to be sorted out. facepalm
After I have all of that in place the next job will be drilling the holes and mounting the components, which I’m hoping to get done before the weekend.