I see a gumtree ad... Piano/keyboards player...
I respond with "what songs you play Steve?"...
"Do you sing?"... The reply says "Hi David, unfortunately I'm not interested in that type of music at the moment."
Hell yeah... WTF?
gumtree ad
I see he has another ad:
So now you know... sokkie or nothing! ?
When anyone place a "classified ad" on gumtree, facebook, etc, one would assume that they really want you to reach out and engage them on the advertised subject. I'm often surprised at how some guys' behaviour seems to discourage that. Some are cocky, some feel compelled to remind you how busy they are and that you are generally a nuisance, like:
- no time-wasters
- if the ad's up, it's still available, so don't ask
- serious buyers only
Don't they know that any customer engagement is better than none? And if you're going to advertise anything, you should be prepared for the associated fluff. No-one reaches his core market 100%, whether you run a full-page in the Sunday Times or on gumtree.
That kinda makes sense now. At first it didn't. ?
Jazzman105 - no time-wasters
- if the ad's up, it's still available, so don't ask
- serious buyers only
There's is a bit of scammy-scam on gumtree, not as bad as OLX, but still it does jade a few peeps. It's not a obvious scam (e.g. depoist's magically disappearing or uber collections) but bots doing email/cell number scraping. 95% of the emails I get from gumtree that are either "is it available?" or 'is there a discount" are bots - because in the coming week your email will be registered at a good few websites you've never used or you'll get a bucketload of smses/calls from out-of-country numbers (p.s. don't call em back).
Not that there arn't grumpy peeps out there - there are loads. I'm one of them ? One of the reasons I regularly hang out at gear junkie/kill city is to meet like minded peeps in a 'natural/musical' environment. I find connecting with peeps via the randomness of gumtree rather weird. But that's just my style.
I've used gumtree a lot over the years, to buy and sell and even to meet new people to jam with.
Whilst I post complete pics with specs for anything I sell, I often have to ask...
"What kind of music is it that you wish to play?"
An answer "No I don't want to play that kind of music" kind of defies the object of the exercise ?