lindsmuse I can just remember sitting around a radio with friends in a lounge somewhere listening for the first time to 'Ticket to Ride' and us all freaking out ? I don't think I could ever convey that magic.
I think you have managed to convey the ar of anticipation/special feeling of listening to great music. I recall being super excited about getting a pre-order of Smashing Pumpkins "Siamese Dream" back in 1989 - had to save up, pre-order and wait (and wait and wait) for it to arrive. No other way back then to get a copy or to listen to it (aside from 1hr a week when it was maybe getting a play on hard n heavy).
The anticipation and difficulty of getting music made it special then? But the emotive memories attached to finally getting the album and listening to it are priceless and will never fade - E.g. the Beatles reminds me of my parents cranking up some beatles on a sunday and having a boogie.
Alllll pre-internet...which has completely changed the way we perceive music and value it. Though I wonder if the Beatles will become a musical standard as we progress - Could "All you need is love" become the next "Autumn Leaves" in 20years time?