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We have a drummer who is very keen, though we should organise a cymbal or two as he doesn't currently have. Anyone able to bring something?

    I have a rubbish cymbal i can bring. When i say rubbish.. its shart. Like playing ride on your bonnet. But im happu to bring it. Put me down as rsvp.. or do i have to email?

    I think the thing drummer needs the most is a hi-hat rather than ride or crash cymbals

    Just a thought, can we maybe put together a suggestions thread where we can keep track of possible songs for future jam sessions, as well as songs we've done in the past? Could make them easier to plan going forward.

      Ok, I'm out. Just broke my arm. I can still coordinate, but won't be able to attend

      Oh damn.. sorry to hear bud.. jees. Hope it wasnt a bad break. Speedy recovery

      Put me on the list. Will see if I can make it. May have some travel plans to finalise on that weekend. I will as per the previous time, not practice before the time - underwent emergency surgery a few days ago and can barely stand/sit, let alone hold a guitar.

      slowpoet Ok, I'm out. Just broke my arm. I can still coordinate, but won't be able to attend

      Eina. Hope you recover to shred level soon.

        Current bookings
        nick (with adrian) = drums
        Hasie (maybe)

          I'm a solid maybe at the moment. I'd like to be there but the wife is out of the country that weekend so I may be stuck on babysitting duty if I can't make a plan. I'll hopefully know in a week or two.

          • Yeti replied to this.

            I'll definitely be there. Really doubt I'll be able to practise beforehand but maaaaaybe I can sneak in a bit of bass practise somewhere. Highly doubt it though. Work is mad.

            Sounds like work is getting crazy for a lot of peeps. I suppose everyone's begun that sprint towards the December break. Everything need to get done, yesterday!

            7 days later

            Yeti granny to the rescue! Looks like I'll be there.

              Okay so apparently I have a camp the 22nd. Sorry guys.

                nick (with yeti)
                Hasie (maybe)
                William Beetge