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So I managed to find a nice 'gilmore' style backtrack (www.guitartonemaster.com) and have done some bending over the weekend. Yikes! My fingers were hurting!
I realise that this type of playing takes an immense amount of practice to 'get it right'. You can't wing it with bends.

I am still deciding on whether or not I want to enter this compo or take my guitar apart for upgrades.... ?

Good luck to all!

  • V8 likes this.
  • V8 replied to this.

    wern101 www.guitartonemaster.com

    That's a cool site! Like the scale suggestions that accompany the video/track, nice find @wern101!

    wern101 You can't wing it with bends.

    When you hear that your bending be out of tune, it hurts about as much as your fingers. It comes with a bit of practice, but it needs maintenance for fingers and ears. Sadly, both of mine are rusty as heck!

    wern101 take my guitar apart for upgrades....

    If my strings were'nt still fresh (&*%^ elixirs last forever :p) I'd slap on a set of 9's. Would make this a tad less painful.

    V8 nice find

    Purely by accident I assure you, but I think so too. Bookmarked!

    V8 it hurts about as much as your fingers

    And the dogs start howling and your wife tells you it sounds like a depressing funeral. ?

    I've never really played with bends but can see the appeal. Definitely something I want to do more, just not with these strings or amp. You definitely need a good overdrive and Wah with bends (i think?) and my gear does not allow for this right now. It ends up sounding very painful. All the more reason to get that Samurai weapon....

    wern101 I've never really played with bends

    Same here. I mostly avoided it coz I couldn't make it sound good. But then I realised that the best guitar sounds come from great bends. Most of my favourite solos are coz of the tasty bends.

    I'm pretty sure I still suck but I work at bends a lot more now and I'm having way more fun.

    As for distortion and wah, not needed at all. Granted, bends with wah + distortion sound pretty great but it's a style-thing. You get bends in blues with very little distortion and no wah at all. And then, of course, there's bends on acoustic guitars and bass guitar. They still sound pretty great!

    For the bending noobs like me, a little technique tutorial.

    He takes FOREVER to get to the point but worthwhile to watch. The lesson starts at around 3 minutes.

      NorioDS As for distortion and wah, not needed at all.

      I beg to differ. Having watched Mr. Gilmore do his bends I believe that, for this compo, it's a must ?

      Wifes comments on my bendy practice this morning:

      "Sjoe, maar dit is 'n gesanik"
      "Klink of jy 'n kat rasper"

      So I guess I still have some work to do.

      klaasvakie "Klink of jy 'n kat rasper"


      Ai shame! Sometimes the ones who loves us the most, show it the least ?

        wern101 Ohhh, I was just meaning bending. Not specifically for the challenge.

        Although I think Gilmour has one or two songs where it's mostly clean tone. Not sure though.

        So far the only good thing about this challenge was watching this

          5 days later

          I've been trying to work some tasty bends into my playing/riffing.
          There's no ways I'm going for that 2 and a half step bend that the clip in the first post talks about...
          1. I need my strings to last as long as possible currently.
          2. My fingers. lol.

          Hopefully I can manufacture some time this weekend to put together an entry!

            14 days later

            I don't know about everyone else, but sheesh ...

            I've got a bunch of pentatonic noodling with lots of bends in it, but it sounds nothing like David Gilmore. @NorioDS you think we can extend this to Sunday Night? No way am I going to get anything recorded before Thursday night.

            • V8 replied to this.

              klaasvakie I don't know about everyone else, but sheesh ...

              I gave up a week ago :embarrassed:

              Odd to have a deadline in the week...sure @NorioDS can flip that 6 into 9.

                Gonna call my entry "Uncomfortably Dumb ..."

                • V8 likes this.

                Yeah I don't see any harm in changing it to Sunday @ midnight.

                It is done. Good luck, folks!

                ? Entries Close: Thursday, 6 September, Midnight Extended: Sunday, 9 September, Midnight