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Alrighty folks, I'm gonna sponsor us a jam room for 3 hours in Silverton Pretoria. It will be on a Saturday.

@slowpoet you still keen to organise and run the event? Or is that a bit far? Maybe if it's far, you can share your tips with us on how it all worked in the past?

About the venue

This is Gregory Wall's venu and it's in a 3m x 6m single garage for a nice old school garage band feel. It's sound proofed.


  • 2x10 bass amp
  • 2 4x12 guitar cabs
  • PA system with 2 mics
  • Drumkit (bring on cymbals)
  • Stands

And it's R250 for 3 hours so I'm going to cover that for the first one. If there's a good turnout, I might repeat the sponsorship, otherwise maybe I can subsidise half and everyone brings R30 or something.

This thread is here for us to bang out some details like who's going to organise it. (Which means picking songs to practise, a date, posting updates here and on social media, getting keys, opening, closing etc.)

I know Silverton is far for the Joburg peeps but if you make a day of it, you can go for a tjop 'n dop somewhere afterwards and breathe something other than Joburg smog for a change ?

Hasie Hells yeah!
I'll do the bass?
Just bought a new one and hoping to get back in the groove.
And NorioDS I'll definitely be willing to contribute bucks to this!

    Love to attend!

    I'm happy to contribute with experience, help choose songs, create and share lyrics/chords pages with people. Locking and unlocking, picking up keys and the like would be a problem for me though.

    I would suggest picking a date about 3-4 weeks from now.

    slowpoet I'm happy to contribute with experience, help choose songs, create and share lyrics/chords pages with people.

    Awesome! That'll be a huge help.

    slowpoet Locking and unlocking, picking up keys and the like would be a problem for me though.

    No worries, I understand completely. We'll figure something out, even if it's me for the first jam.

    slowpoet I would suggest picking a date about 3-4 weeks from now.

    Great! Saturday 28 July. Done! What's next? ?

    slowpoet Question: what skill levels do you expect?

    I imagine it'll range from beginner to intermediate. But it's really hard to say. Maybe we could do chord sheets for the beginners and then let the intermediates figure out the harder bits?

    Appreciate your guidance on this one @slowpoet! Organising events is not a strongsuit of mine. (Our one Woodstock event ended up being a huge mess full of cars—yes cars—diving off stage and ganja everywhere. Never again ? )

    OK, I'll make a proposed program and notice. This will be the template to advertise with as well. I'll post later this evening for comments / modifications. Once agreed, we confirm venue and then send out emails etc

    I'll also list any queries I have.

    slowpoet Question: what skill levels do you expect?

    Noodling level.

    NorioDS Great! Saturday 28 July. Done! What's next? ?

    Please not that day. I would love to attend, but it's my dad's 60th birthday that day.

    There are non GT members that are interested. One is a beginner guitarist, the other guy is quite a good drummer - he has an electronic drum kit without a large amp for it, so he does not have cymbals. If we can organise cymbals for the day, it will be great.

    @NorioDS I will gladly throw a few ZARs towards the venue and other expenses.

    Proposed notice:

    Guitar Talk is putting together a garage play together session on 28 July in Silverton.

    How it works is: everyone practices the songs listed and then we get together and try to play them. We might also try a few others if we have time.Guitar Talk is putting together a garage play together session on 28 July in Silverton.

    How it works is: everyone practices the songs listed and then we get together and try to play them. We might also try a few others if we have time.

    The songs to practice are:
    What's Up - 4 Non Blondes
    Down on the Corner - Creedence Clearwater Revival

    NOTE: We'd love to see some non-guitar instruments, especially bass or drums. But almost anything could contribute - perhaps not bagpipes, though. :-)

    We will provide lyrics sheets and chords. We are asking for R20 donation per person to go towards the cost of the venue.

    NOTE: At the venue there is
    2x10 bass amp
    2 4x12 guitar cabs
    PA system with 2 mics
    Drumkit (bring on cymbals)
    Vocalists VERY, VERY welcome.

    Queries and suggestions welcome.

    The songs to practice are:
    What's Up - 4 Non Blondes
    Down on the Corner - Creedence Clearwater Revival

    NOTE: We'd love to see some non-guitar instruments, especially bass or drums. But almost anything could contribute - perhaps not bagpipes, though. :-)

    We will provide lyrics sheets and chords. We are asking for R20 donation per person to go towards the cost of the venue.

    NOTE: At the venue there is
    2x10 bass amp
    2 4x12 guitar cabs
    PA system with 2 mics
    Drumkit (bring on cymbals)
    Vocalists VERY, VERY welcome.

    Queries and suggestions welcome.


    • Do we get people to RSVP?
    • Only send address / music to people who RSVP
    • Ask people what instrument when they RSVP

    Yesssss ... im in

    How about hells bells

    Or shook me all night long?

    Also throwing eyes of the panther out there.. woohoo... looking forward to a lekker rock out. Thisast tune is by steel panther by the way.

    Other good tunes.. tush or just got paid by zz top.

    Edit.. primary is rhythm guitar. For these acdc toons im happy to do the lead if necessary.

    I can also piddle on the bass if need be

      Well I can do Bass and maybe Vox, depending on what key the songs are in. Will research this afternoon.

        @NorioDS If this is OK and the venue/date are confirmed, I can create the Meetup event and we can start inviting people.

        Revised notice (links and formatting are not filled in yet)

        Guitar Talk is putting together a 3 hour garage play together session on 28 July in Silverton.

        How it works is: everyone practices the songs listed and then we get together and practise and play them. We will also try a few others on the fly, so to speak.

        The songs to practice are (2 easy-ish songs)
        What's Up? - 4 Non Blondes
        Down on the Corner - Creedence Clearwater Revival

        More challenging song
        TNT - AC/DC

        NOTE: We'd love to see some non-guitar instruments, especially bass or drums. But almost anything could contribute - perhaps not bagpipes, though. :-)

        We will provide lyrics sheets and chords as well as the address details when you RSVP. We are asking for R20 donation per person to go towards the cost of the venue.

        NOTE: At the venue there is
        2x10 bass amp
        2 4x12 guitar cabs
        PA system with 2 mics
        Drumkit (bring own cymbals)
        Beginners and vocalists VERY, VERY welcome.

        RSVP with Adrian (slowpoet) on adrianvan@mac.com or on the Meetup group here: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

        slowpoet This looks REALLY good, thanks for pulling it all together for us!

        I have one concern and that's capacity. Let me chat to Greg and see how many guitarists we can reasonably accommodate in the space.

        @Hasie and @guidothepimmp it sounded like you've both seen the space? Any input would be appreciated.

        Agreed about capacity, it's always a sticking point. And it's worse if you turn people away and then someone who has RSVP'd doesn't pitch.

          Hasie Please not that day. I would love to attend, but it's my dad's 60th birthday that day.

          Seeing as this was started specifically as a response to your thread, I'd hate for you to miss out. Let's make a plan ?

          Reply here with some more suitable Saturdays (but please provide 3-4 weeks of practise time between the announcement and the day) and we'll change it to one of those.

          @slowpoet I don't know those songs very well (I've never learned to play them, I mean) so what do you reckon? 2 weeks? 4 weeks? Given everyone's other responsibilities in life?

          Thanks folks! This is gonna be fun!

            I think 3-4 weeks is best. The first 2 songs I put are easy to learn, but as you say, people have other commitments.