Losing the Groove and owning beautiful ornaments
V8 I tell myself there's a balance. Creative pursuits require energy, if you are using all your energy on family and work, there's little left for developing one's own pursuits. Personally, I need to spend more time on exercising, a healthier me = more energy. I'm not gonna get the kinda cardio workout I need playing guitar!
Everyone is different in that requirement - I've recently got serious about my diet (zero gluten, avoiding processed sugars) which has had a major effect on my lifestyle. Means I spend more time cooking and less playing, but I've found I have more energy. Less time playing playing, but far more inspired fun.
V8.. soooooo much good things in your post..
but must agree on Diet the most, a decent diet be It LCHF or LFHC or vegan etc.. cut the sugar and processed food, and your life becomes a Vastly different, take care of your mind and body, and your soul (passions) find wings.
and find balance in your life between, job, social life, and hobbies, and have several ( for me my Main hobbies at the moment are cycling, guitars ,pc's, and reading, in no particular order,and a try spending a little time between them all, it helps me not been in a rut on one or the other).. and don't make your hobby a job.. surest way to kill the passion,
try not to play in a vacuum, get a sexy short music teacher (like me), or play in a band, play stuff you like, and stuff that pushes your boundaries. and for those with kids, play with them.. get rocksmith and a second cable.. etc.
there are so many ways to keep playing, and to make time for playing, I think most of the time.. when we say we don't have time, we forget about those hours we spent watching our favourite Tv series on the couch doing nothing else.....
and I'm no great guitar player.. I suck.. but I know myself and i know how I like procrastinating.. and i think alot of us do just that..but the last year and a half of me taking charge of my health has taught me, there is no day like today to start, you have to be disciplined, and consistent or you will fail, and try to keep those cheat days to a minimum.. they will happen, life happens, man up own your faults, work on them, and realize when you are in a rut, and try something new, a different approach..
Hope my ramblings make sense, and you can take away something,
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Jislaaik okes. Too true all of this. @Hasie much has been said and I don't plan on repeating anyone on purpose. My journey with the axe has been up and down. Short version - Got a guitar for my 18th Birthday. 'Borrowed' by a friend a year later, never saw it again. 2 years of no playing. Got one again for my 21st. Hardly played. Upgraded it later years and played 'slightly' more. Got involved in church band 7 years later and played for 7 years. After I left the church 'band' scene I was a bit stuck with nothing to play, no one to play with and wondering what next. For just over a year I hardly played. I joined this year awesome forum in Oct '15 and got started again - I was very motivated by everyone and felt completely inferior to everyone. I was dead scared of posting the first entry on the forum compo, but glad I did. The feedback from other members kept me going.
I also realised that I enjoy song writing a lot. My recording quality is CRAP, my gear (compared to a lot of others') is very weak and I have almost zero chops, BUT - I have found that I love to create. Trying to emulate some dude's song is cool and all, but I get more value out of what I come up with. So what if it stinks. It's mine!
2017 I hardly played again, and this year has been a challenge. I have to literally remove the dust from my guitars when I pick them up, and then I play the same stupid noodling sounds over and over again, no progression, and no regression. Just 'as is' for a few months. Frustrating yes, but probably necessary at this point.
Don't be to hard on yourself. You don't have to justify owning a guitar by playing it all the time. Enjoy the time with your family, it goes by too fast. The guitar will always be there.
I was in the space. Sometimes go months without touching a fiddle.. but then it comes back and i will sit everynight. What really helps me is jamming along to my favourite tunes. So portability became very important. Particularly with a toddler i the house.
Youre in PTA right? Jam mates help too. Even if its talking shit over a beer. Cool to just plug in and make a bit of noise.
For the PTA folks.. we really should have a meet n jam.
Btw.. im a metal head too.. but really enjoy playing blues rock type stuff now.. cant even tell you why... i think it pulled me out of my rut..
guidothepimmp Thanks man. We should try and do a PTA jam. Even if there's more beer and shit talking than jamming. Maybe once a month. Use the netball or rugby field at a school - a place to use your full stack if you have one.
Having a baby in the house means playing with headphones or a small amp at very low volumes, which is just not the same as having a loud amp in the room - loud headphones does not have the same effect. This is just something to accept as it is and move on.
I've actually never tried playing my favourite bands' songs. I can do some chord melody stuff and blues, but don't really listen to those genres.
Many of the forum okes suggested playing the music I like. I think it's time to try and learn the songs from the album that really got me "lus" for starting out. It would mean buying a 7-string, but maybe that's just what I need to do.
Hasie Maybe once a month. Use the netball or rugby field at a school - a place to use your full stack if you have one.
Must a a rehearsal studio around there somewhere? No clean-up, peeps can arrive/leave when they want, etc...I like the idea, might even do something Cpt side (though Capetonians never pitch up ? )
Hasie I think it's time to try and learn the songs from the album that really got me "lus" for starting out. It would mean buying a 7-string, but maybe that's just what I need to do.
Doooooooo it! A few options spring to mind - Re-string one of your 6's with a heavier set - I did this last year, was a lot of fun! Went for a B low string and just left off the high e (since I'd hardly use it for nu-metal/djent grooves).
Otherwise the Ibby Gio range has a really decent and cheap 7. And there was a guy selling new Schechter's for R4500 - sure he's still got a few 7's.
When you get back into - feel free to poke me for a brief skype, I've some skill at the right hand/left hand percussive muting thing you'll want to get down for the rhythm bits.
Another option is to try get more regular forum meetups happening. Here in the vaal some guys did a band meetup thing... They organised a drumkit, small PA and people just came and went throughout the day... Drummers took turns... Guitarists, bass guitarists etc all took turns. They organised it all via a whatsapp group.
warrenpridgeon for a while we piggy-backed off of @slowpoet's Meetup events. Those sounded like fun. Never went but I liked how Adrian organised the songs to practise, etc. Coz herding guitarists is not dissimilar to herding cats ?
Looks like the last one was October:
@slowpoet, you keen to start these up again? I'll happily post about them in the newsletters.
Definitely... just a thought on 7 strings.. i know budgets can be tight with a little one in the house. Not sure how many fiddles you have.. i just started messing with alternate tunings. Cheaper than shelling out dosh for a 7string which becomes a bit of a niche thing. E# for airbourne, E for normal stuff, E flat for a lot of the 80s rock and metal.. D.. drop C for those KSE moments lol...
Amps wise.. what always bothered me about low volume jamming.. the tine sucked. Sounded nothing like what I wanted.. and as a result.. because it didnt sound good.. i didnt like playing it. Enter the yamaha thr10. Bam.. instant rockout. These days.. there is the blackstar ID, yamahas, katana etc to chooose from.. but it really helped having a tiny amp that i could plug my mp3 into.. and jam along with authentic sound.. without irritating the guys in the next province
Gregs place is a storage locker with an elevated platform that has the drum kit. Not sure what he charges to use the space.
At some point we had a weekend warrior type jam going once a month or so . Was cool to just plug in and jam. But alas.. yrying to coordinate all the dads times became an issue.
Thinking about it.. if it became a relatively common occurrence to get together and jam.. it actually makes sense to hire a locker. Assume its R1000 a month.. split 6or 7 ways.. not much a month for a space.
guidothepimmp True - I have not found a storage unit with electricity outlets yet, but haven't looked very far.
I do have a Blackstar IDCORE 10. It sound great, but I still like a room filled with sound for some reason. I may just have to get used to the headphones thing for now.
Due to limited space for cables/pedals and to hide it from the tiny curious hands every time after playing, I'm thinking about swinging all the pedals and Blackstar for something like a Zoom G3Xn and play with headphones. And if and when I want sound, just plug in the PC speakers or the soundbar.
I'd love to organise meetups, but I can't find a space to have it. Some place where people can make some noise (aka music) in private because it wouldn't be an open mic type thing. And where the (possible) drums don't drown everyone out. That doesn't cost too much.
Sadly the office that was helping us last year can't do so any longer.
Ok so I spoke to Greg and started a new thread to discuss "Pretoria Garage Days" ? Go there to pitch in.
V8 Doooooooo it! A few options spring to mind - Re-string one of your 6's with a heavier set - I did this last year, was a lot of fun! Went for a B low string and just left off the high e (since I'd hardly use it for nu-metal/djent grooves)
Yeah, I also did the thick string thing once. Only problem was, it did not fit into the grooves of the nut. I did not want to file the nut as thinner strings will then have to much "play" on them. But maybe i should file it. Most of stuff of Trivium or Amon Amarth is in a "drop ridiculous" tuning.
Hasie Only problem was, it did not fit into the grooves of the nut. I did not want to file the nut as thinner strings will then have to much "play" on them.
When I stuck some baritone strings on my Cort, the bass strings did go over the nut, but I didn't have a issue with them popping out. You could always buy a spare nut to mod and keep the original, just in case. While I was tempted by a 7 (for about 5mins), I just couldn't get it my hand around my mates schecter 7's neck (let along the 8 stringer!). So a de-tuned 6 made sense. since I just wanted to have some fun.
Hasie Took a bit of digging but here it is - they are apparently legit, part of some stock that was seized by SARS last year. Lower end OMEN models, indonesian made (I think)