Nicely done bud! And that guitar looks sexy as heck ?
So if you want a bending exercise, here's one I was taught. It's pretty common. Basically, you play your target note, and then bend to it.
For example, if you're on the high E string, bending up from E on the 12th fret to F#, you'd play the F#, let it ring out a bit (for your brain to kinda memorise the sound) and then bend up to it.
You wanna do this all over the fretboard as the amount you need to bend a string to achieve a whole note or half note bend will differ depending on where you are.
This helped me a lot but I still sukkel. It's something you keep at, I suppose, until it becomes natural.
As for muting the other strings when you're bending, I try and "cover" the other strings with my remaining fingers. It helps but it requires practise and doesn't work too well when you're busy using those fingers to support your actual bend. (Lower frets I usually need more supporting fingers.)
This picture kinda shows what I'm meaning. Check out the first / index finger:
Anyway, I'm no guitar teacher or expert. This is just a tip or 2 from one hopeful guitarist to another ?
Huge kudos to you for your progress and for sharing with us! Looking forward to hearing more from you!