Day 11 : 1x10m. Started at 130bpm, worked up to 145bpm. But it's getting sloppier as the bpm goes upward. I'm rushing at 135+bpm and can't really correct mistakes on the fly, it's just - go,go,go and rely on muscle memory.
Heish, I'm getting bored with running the same lick over and over again though. So it's a mission to concentrate on this for more than 5-10m.
NorioDS Update on practising... I realised that I completely hate Jazz III and Jazz II picks.
Yeah...I like the pointy tip and the stiffness - but the size doesn't work for me. There's a trick to holding these, which is technically/anatomically correct - especially useful if you are playing a lot of technically demanding, fast pieces.
But my gripe is that, for my sloppier style, I can't get enough thumb behind the pick to apply the kind of attack that I'm used to. If I had to choose speed over dynamics, I'll pick dynamics (unintentional pun) - every single time.
I did try a jazz III during the week - just reminded me how much I dislike not being able to really pick through the string instead of tickling it with the tip of the jazz III. Which <> speed. Hmm.
So, a few days ago I grabbed a jazz III and traced the point onto my well used 'favourite' pick (It's my last one!). 5mins filing/sanding later, I've a rather lovely feeling pick that just fits. I've been using this D'andrea Progrip 1.21mm pick since forever (23+yrs) so I'm very,very used to it. Adding the sharper point did help, not a huge amount - but I'm feeeling a little bit more precise with targeting treble strings.

NorioDS @modulator I'll happily do Always with me, Always with you. @V8 you keen? I learned the first 10 notes around 10 years ago so I think it's still pretty fair
@NorioDS's a ballad. Is a good song, but I've my heart set on some pointly guitar riffage.
modulator fter that, you can get into speed and noise again?
But, but, but....I wanna do that NOW ?