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NorioDS working on translating Scuttle Buttin' into a more fingerpicked style:

Niccceee....glad to see I wasn't the only one resorting to a paddle headstock... ?

I also did a version last week, went with fingernail as a pick - was trying for a turn of speed. Thought it might be a bit easier with the fatter nylon strings. I think i r starting to get the feel of the lick - I think!

15 days later
NorioDS changed the title to Challenge: The Pointy vs Paddle headstock Duel!.
    6 days later

    Time to fess up... I've been trying to get one of the really fast (but quite simple) lead parts down. I can only get it sounding right about 1 time out of 20... ?

    Still, it was good practice.

    After a couple tries, in the end I decided to just stick to the rhythm parts with one (tiny and slow) lead part. Funny thing is, I was playing it perfectly until I decided to do my "final" recording. Then I screwed it up royally. But it's time to end this so I can get to work, so I didn't re-record. Here it is, folks. Warts & all. You'll just have to deal with it ?

    The recording was done DI'ed into my BR-600. Recorded the video on the missus' G5X camera in the hopes that I wouldn't get the out-of-sync issue I had with my phone. I then pulled the video and the BR-600 tracks into Screenflow and sync'ed them up. I lowered the volume on the camera track so you don't here AS MUCH of the strings. But I figured it was more fun if I left in the laugh when I'm screwing up the (stupid-easy) solo.

    On the BR-600, I used the "Metal Lead" patch. I would have preferred to have used my amp but the last time I did that, the sound I recorded and the sound I heard while playing were VERY different. So I kept it a bit simpler this time by just DI-ing into the BR.

    Nice one @NorioDS ?

    Here's mine, not entirely happy but it'll do - best of about 6 attempts, only swore once! ?

    Tried to make a condensed version of the original that was fun to play. Put together a backing track in ableton - just drums in the140bpm section. The 160bpm section has a harmony guitar for the one riff.

    That change between 140 & 160 bpm is (&(ing tough! Either I can get to 140 section OR the 160 section but not both in one take. Grrrrr.

    Upside to this challenge is that I am starting to feel comfy at 160bpm - hit your head enough times I guess one does eventually learn something ?

    V8 That change between 140 & 160 bpm is (&(ing tough! Either I can get to 140 section OR the 160 section but not both in one take. Grrrrr.

    Totally feel you there, brother! I found myself practising the 160bpm part so much that I ended up speeding up the rest of the song. Had to train myself to slow down for the 140bpm bits on the day of recording ?

    V8 Upside to this challenge is that I am starting to feel comfy at 160bpm

    Same! This morning I cranked up the tempo on my jam track and didn't feel TOTALLY lost. Still a bit lost though ?

    The other major benefit for me has been a stronger focus on rhythm. That also came with playing some bass but learning a song (without the album track playing underneath it) really forces you to "feel" the groove more.

    Fun times! Okie dokes, I suppose it's time to put up a voting thread!

      Another takeaway on what this challenge taught me:

      Recording helps you focus. I get distracted all the time and it doesn't matter when I'm just messing around. But if I'm recording and I get distracted... well that's another take down the drain ?

      So yeah, very good way to "train" yourself to focus on what you're doing.

        Amazing, both. The voting buttons will (again) not reflect all the truths, my additional opinion:

        Player - Paddle
        Sound- Pointy
        Gold star for effort - Both

        Well done. I should really get off my donkey and start to play something too.

        modulator Well done. I should really get off my donkey and start to play something too.

        Do it! No time like the present ?

          7 days later

          Aggeneeeeee! Looks like I lost this one by a landslide!

          Great duel @V8. Remind me not to do this against you ever again ? Or to pick "Mary Had a Little Lamb" but then you'd probably pull out the SRV version and still kick my ass ?

          Suppose it's time for me to admit that paddles are the best, huh? Ugh. Watch this space ?

          • V8 likes this.
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            NorioDS Or to pick "Mary Had a Little Lamb" but then you'd probably pull out the SRV version and still kick my ass

            Actuallllyyy....that was my secret to Part 1. I do know that version (albeit the slower Buddy Guy version) fairly well. The chords are pretty much the same with a slightly different feel with the Scuttle Buttin lick. But what I made damn sure of, was that the rhythm section could carry itself, even if I messed up the lick.

            So I could 'hide' the fact that I was playing 16th notes instead of a triplet for the opening of the lick - it's why I felt your feel was more authentic. But for the listener it's easier to hear a rhythm piece that makes sense than something that doesn't quite loop tidily.

            It's gonna take me a while to get a triplet note feel into that lick - specific practice required!

            I didn't have much issue with Peace Sells, it's what I used to be okay at back in the 90's. I think I managed to do a fairly decent representation of the style...what kicked my ass was going from 140 bpm to 160 - and back again as I looped the recording 3-4 times - silly to try that. I would have been better off just doing one take each time. Basically take a break and hit it again rather than try to get the 140->160->140->160 (repeat) changes feeling right. That was tough and rather unnecessary!

            NorioDS Suppose it's time for me to admit that paddles are the best, huh? Ugh. Watch this space ?

            Only if you really want to. For me, you put a lot of effort in - for that alone, I tip my hat and say that you need not feel (or subject yourself) to any shame. I'll never crit anyone who put's in the time & effort!

            ...and besides I'm now seriously lusting after something shreddy. Ideally a shorter scale (24.75), flatter fretboard radius (12-16) and lots of pointy bits. See what you've done....?

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